avatarKingsley Asuamah


The article discusses the unspoken aspects of marriage, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and addressing the complexities, imperfections, and evolving dynamics of the relationship to foster growth, understanding, and resilience.


The content delves into the often overlooked realities of marriage, highlighting the necessity of embracing the fluidity of roles, the beauty in imperfections, and the art of compromise. It underscores the potential damage of hidden resentments and the significance of open communication to navigate the inherent loneliness and growth pains that couples may face. The article also touches on the challenges of managing expectations, the importance of keeping passion alive, and the evolution of love over time. By voicing these unspoken truths, the author suggests that couples can find strength and a deeper connection in their shared journey.


  • Marriage involves a continuous adaptation to changing roles and responsibilities, which should be embraced rather than resisted.
  • The perfection often portrayed in marriage is a myth; true beauty lies in the acceptance of each partner's flaws and quirks.
  • Compromise is essential in marriage, requiring a balance between yielding and standing firm in various situations.
  • Unaddressed resentments can create significant rifts in a marriage, emphasizing the need for honest and open communication.
  • Silence between partners can convey as much as words, serving as a language that expresses a range of emotions and should not be ignored.
  • Feelings of loneliness can still occur within a marriage and should be acknowledged as a part of personal growth rather than a sign of love's absence.
  • Marriage is a dynamic partnership that requires nurturing and the courage to discuss evolving desires and personal space.
  • Managing expectations is crucial to prevent disappointment, with realism being more beneficial than romanticism in maintaining a healthy marriage.
  • Passion in marriage can diminish over time but can be rekindled through conscious effort and communication.
  • Love within a marriage evolves and

The Parts of Marriage Couples Don’t Really Speak About.

The Unspoken Truths We Must Share

Photo by Manuel Meurisse on Unsplash

Marriage, like the creases in an old book, harbours stories that are often left unspoken, etched between the lines of wedding vows and promises.

We must acknowledge the complexities that accompany this journey.

In the spirit of transparency, here are the unspoken truths that can guide, enlighten, and perhaps even heal.

1. The Shapeshifting Roles

Marriage is a theatre of ever-changing roles. The breadwinner might become the caregiver, the dreamer the realist.

These transitions are seldom acknowledged, and yet, they shape the journey. Don’t be rigid. Be fluid to these changes.

In my short time as a spouse, I have played uncountable roles ranging from Hair Stylist to Gym Instructor, Mechanic etc. These days I am responsible for closing her smartwatch exercise rings, just so she can have a perfect week.

We must be prepared to adapt and redefine the roles we play without judgment or fear.

2. The Perfection Myth

Marriage is not an immaculate painting; it’s a mosaic of flaws.

We don’t speak enough about the beauty of the imperfections. It’s the snoring at night and the quirks that make each partner distinct.

In the unspoken truths of marriage, we find that imperfections are the real strokes of love’s masterpiece.

3. The Art of Compromise

Marriage isn’t a tug-of-war; it’s a dance of compromise. There are days when you give, and there are days when you receive.

The unspoken wisdom of marriage lies in the art of knowing when to yield and when to stand firm.

It’s a delicate balance, one that often goes unvoiced.

4. Hidden Resentments

We must speak of those times when unspoken resentments build walls within the sacred space of marriage.

These quiet grudges, left unattended, can erode the very foundation of love.

Open communication is the antidote, for in articulating these hidden feelings, we find the path to forgiveness and renewal.

Photo by Somnox Sleep on Unsplash

5. Silence Speaks Volumes

The unspoken words between a couple carry weight.

Silence can be a language of its own, expressing pain, joy, or indifference.

It’s important to read between the lines, to understand that sometimes the most profound conversations occur in the quiet moments, not in the words that are spoken.

6. The Inherent Loneliness

In the company of a partner, loneliness can still find its way into marriage.

It’s an unspoken facet of the journey that many grapple with.

We must share our solitude, recognizing that it’s not a reflection of love’s absence but a call to explore our inner selves.

7. Growth Pains

Marriage is not static; it’s a garden where both partners must tend to their growth.

It’s about the courage to speak of evolving desires, changing dreams, and the need for personal space.

Marriage evolves when we grow together, rather than apart.

8. The Battle with Expectations

Unmet expectations can become the silent storm that tests a marriage.

We must have open dialogues about what we expect and what we are willing to give.

Realism, not romanticism, can be the anchor that steadies the ship.

9. Fanning the Flames of Passion

As time passes, the initial blaze of passion can simmer.

The unspoken secret is that passion can be rekindled. We must constantly talk about the art of nurturing desire, exploring fantasies, and keeping the fire burning.

10. The Echoes of Love

Marriage is a reverberation of love through the years.

The love you shared in the beginning may not be the same love that carries you through the journey.

We must acknowledge that love evolves and deepens. It’s an unspoken truth that love, when nurtured, can echo through a lifetime.

In the unspoken truths of marriage, we find the heartbeats of humanity, the raw and honest experiences that define our shared journey.

Let’s not be silent about these moments, for it’s in voicing them that we find strength, understanding, and resilience to carry on.

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