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The One That Sticks to Your Finger

A Psychic Rule

Image from rawpixel.com — Creative Commons

Inspiration for the things I write comes from all sorts of places — for instance, this article.

I was in the kitchen thinking about breakfast. As a diabetic and an older person, I’ve got all sorts of medications I need to take, and so my vitamin/supplement/medicine dish was full of pills just like it is on any day.

I decided to eat a Barley Duke, something my great-grandmother used to make which is simply cottage cheese mixed with some lovely strawberry jam I made the other day. I realized I should take my pills. There are some of them that need to be taken with food. To make short work of it, I just started taking them while swallowing the last of my morning coffee.

There are a lot of pills, and it takes me a few times to scoop up three or four at a time to get them down. Swallowing pills is not something I particularly care for. When I am tense, under unrelenting pressure, or just needing a mental tune-up, I find it particularly hard to swallow pills.

Lately, that has been the case. In the evening it is worse, and so I must accompany my swallowing of nighttime medications with a lot of arm whirling and arm pumping. Somehow, doing that helps the pills go down. I don’t know why. It’s just something I do. Something that I’ve done for years.

I never understood why it was that sometimes it was easy to take pills and other times it was difficult. It wasn’t until recently that I made the connection between the difficulty of swallowing pills and being tense.

I was in a hurry. Taking pills is boring. Breakfast, though tasting good, was not something I had planned to linger over. I wanted to get back to the study and work.

Until the stupid cinnamon pill kept sticking to my finger.

I suppose my finger was damp, and it stuck to the capsule. I couldn’t seem to shake it free. I tried a couple of times in my hurry to get this business of taking pills over. That is until I realized maybe it was sticking to my finger for a reason. So, I took it rather than save such an unimportant supplement for the end.

When I was younger and would draw attention to odd things like that happening in my life, the responses from people were generally, “Oh, you are nuts.” But, when you are a psychic, and something like that happens more than once, perhaps two or three times, that is a sign to sit up and pay attention.

So came about the psychic rule of having something stick to your fingers. This holds true when you’ve got your hand in a bag of Runes. You pick the ones that stick to your fingers. The rule holds true when you’re doing a bit of bibliomancy when you open a book at random and use your finger to point out something on the page to read. You can also just settle on the first place your eyes go to.

The same thing happens when you’re looking for something. Just relax and either point or look to that place where your keys end up being or where the remote is. I remember that happened once when my husband had lost his keys and was in a terrible hurry to get out of the door. We had looked everywhere. Everywhere. I went to the kitchen, closed my eyes, and whispered to Spirit, “Help me.”

We had already looked in the kitchen. In fact, we had looked throughout our apartment several times. I stood in the kitchen, opened my eyes, and looked into the open silverware drawer.

There, sitting with the knives in the corner of the drawer, were my husband’s keys. Evidently, he left them on the counter, and they got swept into the open drawer. It was then I hammered a nail into a cabinet and told him that was the new place for his keys.

I had it happen once when I was at work. I plunged my hand into a file drawer and pulled out the exact piece of paper I was looking for. Normally, I would have braced myself and begun pawing around through the drawer. Nope, I just plunged my hand into this stuffed-to-the-brim drawer and drew out what I wanted. I remember turning to my boss and saying, “Hey, look at what just happened!” I remember she was impressed.

Another fun thing to do is, if you’ve got the day free, open a map up, close your eyes, and point at some place. That’s where you can go today just for a lark.

Image by rawpixel.com

I do not know why that cinnamon capsule stuck to my finger this morning. I just knew it was important.

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Vitamins And Supplements
Pauline Evanosky
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