avatarJenny Alexander/Hope for the Heartbroken


The author emphasizes the importance of self-respect in preventing settling for unsatisfactory relationships.


The article discusses the critical role of self-respect in improving one's personal relationships. The author, drawing from personal experience, including a toxic marriage, suggests that self-respect is the key factor that allows individuals to leave bad relationships and seek better ones. Without self-respect, the author argues, people tend to settle and tolerate poor treatment from others. By developing self-respect, individuals can set and maintain healthy boundaries, ultimately leading to more fulfilling friendships, dating relationships, and marriages. The article aims to inspire hope in readers, assuring them that change is possible and that they are worthy of respect and healthy relationships.


  • Self-respect is seen as a crucial quality that can transform one's life and relationships.
  • The author believes that a lack of self-respect can lead to a cycle of settling for less in relationships.
  • Setting boundaries is a practical step towards building self-respect and improving relationship dynamics.
  • The author shares their personal journey of gaining self-respect post-divorce and how it changed their social circle for the better.
  • The article suggests that others' treatment of you often mirrors how you treat yourself, highlighting the importance of self-valuation.
  • The author encourages readers to take actionable steps, such as setting goals and finding supportive people, to increase their self-respect.
  • The author's personal story serves as a testament to the possibility of change and the hope for better relationships.

The Number One Thing that Prevents You from Settling When It Comes to Relationships

Can you guess what it is?

Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

In my opinion, there is one quality that can prevent a bad relationship whether that is a friendship, a dating relationship, or marriage.

I don’t have any statistics on this, but it has proven true for me based on experience.

For me, this one quality was the difference between a toxic marriage and a happy one.

This one thing gave me the courage to leave not-so-good friends and make room for better ones.

The one thing allowed me to leave a toxic marriage and find love again and prevented me from settling the second time around.

I’d had enough of bad relationships and needed good ones.

What enabled me to go from bad to good was something inside of me, within my control.

Can you guess what it is?

When you don’t have this one thing, your life isn’t as good as it could be.

You settle when it comes to all manner of relationships.

You don’t consider your own needs as worthy as others’ needs.

You might let others “walk all over you”.

None of those are good things, are they?

Can you guess what this one thing is?

It’s two small words.


I’ve already shared how divorce recovery for me included increased self-respect.

I’ve shared how that one quality which I lacked before changed my life, enabling me to change my social circle for the better.

Self-respect is huge.

If we don’t respect ourselves, others won’t respect us, either.

When I didn’t have much self-respect, I put up with bad behaviour from various sources.

When I gained self-respect, I set boundaries.

Those boundaries weren’t always well-received, but they enabled me to live a better life.

When you set boundaries that aren’t respected, you know they’re needed. You also find out who is for you.

Self-respect enabled me to set those boundaries and keep them set.

Self-respect enabled me NOT to settle when it came to love a second time.

Maybe you’re wondering why I’m telling you this. I’m telling you to give you hope.

Maybe you are where I used to be.

Maybe your self-respect is low and you’re constantly making bad choices when it comes to relationships whether it is friendships, dating, or marriage.

If that’s you, things can change. If they changed for me, even after a toxic marriage, there is hope for you.

You don’t have to settle for less than you’re worth.

Your life can change for the better like mine did.

There is hope on the other side of self-respect.

If you’re not sure how to increase your level of self-respect, you can start by setting boundaries where they’re needed.

You can keep them set even if the other person doesn’t like them.

You can set goals and reach them.

You can find safe people who value you, care for you, and listen.

These are some of the things that helped me gain self-respect. If you have been in my shoes and gained self-respect, what helped you?

It bears repeating: There is hope for you. Things don’t have to stay the way they are.

There is always room for change. If I changed, so can you!

If you’d like to read more of my story you can check out my books, which you can find on my website linked below.

This is also posted on my website’s blog.

Self Respect
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