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The Not-So-Glamorous but Absolutely Hilarious Side of Traveling in Your 20s

Illustration by abxai.org

Ah, the roaring twenties! The decade when your bank account might not align with your travel ambitions, but hey, that’s what makes it an adventure, right? Welcome to the world of budget travel, where luxury means a hostel bunk bed without a squeak and a gourmet meal is anything that doesn’t come out of a vending machine.

1. The Backpack That Swallowed Your Life

You start your journey with a backpack. It’s not just any backpack, it’s a monstrous, bottomless pit that holds everything from a hastily packed towel (that’s perpetually damp) to your dreams of discovering yourself.

Halfway through your trip, you’re convinced that it has its own gravitational pull. Finding anything in it requires a dive that would make Scrooge McDuck proud.

2. Hostel Life

A Symphony of Snoring Ah, the hostel! A place where you’re promised international friendships but instead, get a masterclass in the various snoring patterns of the world.

Ever heard a symphony of snores in a dozen different accents? It’s not on Spotify, but definitely in every hostel dorm.

3. The Art of Noodle Gourmet

Let’s talk food. Traveling on a budget means your culinary skills peak at instant noodles.

But who needs a Michelin star when you’ve mastered the art of adding hot water? Plus, nothing says ‘chef’ quite like eating noodles with a borrowed pen because you lost your fork.

4. Google Maps

The Relationship Tester Traveling with friends? Great! Until you have to navigate.

Google Maps becomes the ultimate relationship tester. “You said turn left at the Starbucks!” “No, I said the OTHER Starbucks!” Suddenly, you’re in a real-life episode of “Friends” — just less glamorous and more lost.

5. The ‘Cultural Experience’ of Public Transport

Nothing screams ‘authentic experience’ like getting on the wrong bus and ending up in a place even the locals haven’t heard of.

It’s like a mystery tour, but the mystery is how you’re going to get back.

6. The Language Barrier Ballet

You didn’t really learn the local language, did you?

Now you’re doing a strange dance of hand gestures and facial expressions, trying to locate the nearest bathroom. It’s like charades, but with higher stakes.

7. Souvenir Shopping

The Bargain Battle You can’t come back empty-handed, so you enter the fierce world of bargaining.

Your haggling skills are now on par with a corporate negotiator, except you’re arguing over a fridge magnet.

8. The Return More Lost Than Found

You come back from your travels with unforgettable memories, a slightly overdrawn bank account, and a sneaking suspicion that the ‘finding yourself’ part got lost along with your laundry.

But hey, you wouldn’t trade it for the world.

So, young adventurers, embrace the chaos, the mishaps, and the noodles. These are the stories you’ll laugh about for years to come.

Travel isn’t always glamorous, but it’s always an adventure, especially in your 20s.

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