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The website content discusses "Heaven Revised" by Eliza Bisbee Duffey, which presents an alternative perspective on the afterlife known as Spiritualism, suggesting a more progressive and merciful view that includes communication with spirits.


"Heaven Revised," a story penned by Eliza Bisbee Duffey in 1898, challenges traditional concepts of the afterlife, proposing a new vision that aligns with the Spiritualist movement. This vision diverges from the conventional ideas of heaven and hell, offering a more nuanced and fair depiction of the spiritual realm where communication with spirits is possible. The author, initially unfamiliar with Spiritualism, describes an almost mystical experience while writing, as if guided by otherworldly forces. The narrative questions the authenticity of such inspiration, leaving readers to ponder the possibility of spirit guidance versus the power of the human imagination.


  • The traditional views of heaven and hell are seen as overly simplistic and polarizing, offering only extreme outcomes for the afterlife.
  • Spiritualism is presented as a more reasonable and merciful alternative, suggesting progression in the spiritual world similar to advancements in the physical world.
  • The author's experience while writing "Heaven Revised" is likened to being in a dream-like state, detached from reality and personal issues.
  • There is a recognition that the mind can create illusions of spirit inspiration, and it is difficult to distinguish between genuine spiritual guidance and one's own thoughts.
  • The story invites skepticism and belief, encouraging readers to explore their own beliefs about the afterlife and the possibility of spirit influence on human thought.

The New Way of Thinking About Afterlife

Heaven Revised by Eliza Bisbee Duffey — 1898

Original cover of Heaven Revised | by author

Have you ever thought about what happens after we pass away? Some people believe in heaven with harps and crowns, while others think about a place of punishment called hell. But did you know there’s another way to think about the afterlife? It’s called Spiritualism, and it has a different idea about our future.

In the past, many people believed in a heaven where angels played harps, and everyone was very happy. They also believed in a scary place called hell, where people were punished forever for their mistakes.

Some thought this was a bit too hard to believe. It seemed too good for some and too scary for others. It was like a paradise for fools and a nightmare for bad people.

That’s where Spiritualism comes in. It wants to change these old ideas about the afterlife. Spiritualism believes in talking to spirits from higher and lower realms.

They want to make the idea of the future more reasonable, fair, and merciful. They say that just like our world progresses, the spiritual world can too. They want to give hope to everyone, even those who have done wrong things.

Now, let me tell you about the person who wrote this story, which is called “Heaven Revised.” The author didn’t plan it all out before writing it. It was like the ideas came from somewhere else. Imagine writing a story, and it feels like someone is whispering the words in your ear.

That’s what it was like for the author. They didn’t know much about Spiritualism, but they still wrote this story.

During the time they were writing, they felt like they were in a dream. Nothing seemed real to them. Even personal problems didn’t bother them. It was like they took a magic medicine that made them forget about everything else.

They finished writing on a Saturday, talked about Spiritualism on a Sunday, and on Monday, they woke up feeling normal again. It was like real life had returned.

The author believes that they had some help from unseen forces while writing. They think that maybe spirits guided their pen.

But they also know that sometimes, people make things up in their minds and think they come from the spirit world. It’s hard to tell the difference between our own thoughts and thoughts from somewhere else.

So, what do you think? Do you believe that the author was inspired by spirits while writing “Heaven Revised”? Or do you think it was just their imagination? It’s up to you to decide.

If you believe in spirit inspiration, you might think this story is truly special. If you’re not so sure, you’ll share the same doubts the author sometimes has.

In the end, “Heaven Revised” reminds us that there are many ways to think about the afterlife. It’s a story that challenges old ideas and invites us to consider new ones. Whether you believe in spirits or not, it’s a thought-provoking tale that encourages us to explore what might come after this life.

Life After Death
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