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The Never-Ending Relentless March of Time

Time changes everything!

Image by Annette from

The longer you live, the more you notice the never-ending change caused by the passing of time. Time is a change agent, and the universe is one big change machine!

We are all stuck in the dimension of time, and there is only one way to escape its relentless change.

Time’s relentless march

As time flows, everything moves, living or inert. Nothing is ever completely motionless. The electrons in every atom always move, even at absolute zero. Then, there’s the fact the earth is moving at 67,000 mph around the sun, while our solar system is moving through space at 448,000 mph.

Everything in time moves. This movement means constant change. Have you noticed how the passing of time has changed you and everything around you?

A lesson we all learn is that, given enough time, every situation and circumstance will change. Every last one of them!

It may or may not be in your favor, but it will change. Think about all of the changes you have already been through. First, you were born, then you survived adolescence, your teen years, and entered adulthood. You experience countless changes within these years, which continue so long as you are alive.

Time always marches forward. It stands still for no one, and there is no way to go back.

Have you ever noticed your heartbeat while lying on your side late at night? When everything is quiet, you can hear a marching sound. It happens because of the blood rushing through the blood vessels in your head.

I recall noticing the sound for the first time when I was around seven and had no idea what caused it. All I knew was the marching sound never stopped.

That incessant marching continued until April 24, 2016, when it stopped four times as I had successive major heart attacks called widowmakers. It is a miracle I survived. Since then, the flow of time has seemingly slowed yet speeded up simultaneously. Despite how slow or fast it goes, every minute has become precious.

I recall those younger adult years when I climbed the corporate ladder with struggles followed by success. Then, retirement sneaks up on you, and you leave that 40 or 50 years of work behind.

Hopefully, you find something else to keep you occupied as time continues its march until it marches no more. I recently witnessed the end of the march of time for my mother. She is one of many people I have known for which time has stopped. As you age, you become better acquainted with death.

Be encouraged

I do not intend to paint life in a negative light, although that is likely what you feel now. Oh no, life is amazing! Life is wonderful. Life is vibrant. Life is alive!

I hope you never have a near-death experience, but you will see things differently if you do. You will want to live every moment to the fullest. Those of us who have had this experience realize death has only been postponed.

I want to encourage you, not pull you down. You have your whole life ahead of you, so why not live it to the fullest?

Stop fretting and fussing about things that will not matter a year from now. Why worry about something that will likely never happen? If it happens, the odds are that you will survive and come out better on the other side.

“A year from now, everything you are stressing about won’t even matter.” Anonymous

You are a survivor

Take it from me, an older man with many decades of life on this earth; it will pass. Whatever it is, give it time, and it will pass. You will survive!

I survived moving all over the world as a kid. I survived going to 12 schools, first to twelfth grades. I survived serving in the military. I survived getting married and having a child. I survived when my wife died at 51 from cancer a few months after our 32nd anniversary.

After her death, I survived shutting down my company and moving across the country. I survived a career of nearly 50 years with innumerable pressures and seemingly endless days, months, and years filled with victories and losses.

Then I survived four massive heart attacks in one day, AARDS, and 55 days in intensive care!

“Nothing is permanent. Don’t stress yourself too much because no matter how bad the situation is…it will change.” Anonymous

Everyone has a life full of things they have survived with victories on the other side. You will find after many of your survivals, great blessings will come.

I do not hesitate to say I am one of the most blessed men on earth. I have a wonderful wife, beautiful little kitties, family nearby, our home, and much more. Plus, I am alive and enjoying life as I leave a part of my legacy in my writing.

And on the last day of life in this present form, I know the blessings that await me in heaven with my Savior. Yes, if you come to believe in Christ, you know this is not the end. It is the pathway to another life and another beginning.

Final thoughts

Why not take a little time to reflect on your life, as I have above? Look back at all you have survived and how you have thrived since. You will find it rich and rewarding to do so.

Life is too short to waste on worrying. Those things that bother you, those obstacles you face, will one day be gone. They will be behind you as you continue moving through time.

No matter what life throws at you, be encouraged. As the ancient Persian saying goes, “This too shall pass.”

You only get one chance at life, so you may as well live it to the fullest.

I leave you with some wisdom to consider as you move forward. Please take its lesson to heart.

“If it’s not going to matter in five years, don’t spend more than five minutes being upset about it.” Anonymous

Always remember time changes everything. Wait long enough, and whatever it is will change! You will survive it and can come out better on the other side!

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Bill Abbate Leadership Writer and Editor in ILLUMINATION

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