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The most valuable piece of advice is to embrace vulnerability as a sign of strength and a means to connect with others on a deeper level.


The article emphasizes the importance of vulnerability in human relationships and personal growth. It challenges the common belief that vulnerability is a weakness and instead presents it as a combination of honesty, maturity, and courage. The author argues that being vulnerable allows individuals to connect with others at a deeper level, as it enables them to share their true selves, including their flaws and imperfections. The article encourages readers to embrace vulnerability as a strength rather than a weakness, and to use it as a tool for personal growth and meaningful human experiences.


  • Vulnerability is often misunderstood as a sign of weakness, but it is actually a sign of strength.
  • Being vulnerable allows individuals to be honest, mature, and courageous.
  • Vulnerability enables deeper connections with others, as it allows for the sharing of authentic emotions and experiences.
  • The fear of being dismissed or rejected often prevents individuals from being vulnerable.
  • The raw and unglamorous aspects of life should not be hidden or ashamed of.
  • Vulnerability is a key component of meaningful human experiences.
  • Embracing vulnerability can lead to personal growth and improved relationships.

The Most Valuable Piece of Advice I Have Ever Received

This alone will take you far

Photo by June O on Unsplash

Humans wish to be accepted and appreciated for who they are. They want to be known for their unique capabilities and be admired by people for it.

However, many individuals have this preconceived notion that they cannot be vulnerable and still achieve acceptance and appreciation from others. They feel as though being raw, authentic, and transparent about the not-so-glamourous aspect of their lives will push people away from loving and wholeheartedly accepting them.

It’s human nature to only want to be seen in the best lighting, in the best mood, in the best makeup, and with the most extravagant items. But having this mentality couldn’t be more skewed.

People fear being dismissed or rejected by others if they happen to display too much transparency and vulnerability. The fear is that if others see us in a “less than perfect” state, it will give others a solid reason to push us away. It might make people think we are unworthy of love, affection, attention, and appreciation. This fear is what prevents us from owning our lowlights with as much confidence as we own our highlights.

However, the raw and unglamorous aspects of our lives shouldn’t be something we feel ashamed of. It shouldn’t be something that we feel the need to keep tucked away and hidden.

“To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength.” -Crissi Jami

You see, being vulnerable is not a bad thing at all. In fact, it is a sign of strength because it gives you the opportunity to be raw and honest with yourself and other people.

The way I see it, vulnerability is best described as a combination of honesty, maturity, and courage. To me, these are outstanding qualities that will help propel each and everyone to a better and more improved version of themselves.

Another way to look at it is that being vulnerable gives you the chance to connect with other people at a deeper level. People tend to connect with others when they share some sort of invisible emotional string. That emotion can be happiness, sadness, anger, or anything else. Regardless of the emotion, the authenticity of the emotion and the transparency in your communication is what allows human beings to truly connect and vibe together.

“Vulnerability is the core, the heart, the center of meaningful human experiences” — Brené Brown

So next time you feel some sort of hesitation to let loose and give others a taste of your true self, take a second to remind yourself that the most beautiful things in life begin with being vulnerable.

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Happy reading!

Self Improvement
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