The Most Pernicious Logical Fallacy
This won’t be popular, but . . .

Yesterday, I was looking for something relaxing on YouTube (I recommend Jason Stephenson’s videos). YouTube, monitoring my viewing habits, constantly recommends to me videos about philosophy — well, kind of about philosophy.
I noticed in one video’s thumbnail image incorrect information for several branches of philosophy. I usually let these things go, but I thought I owed it to all involved to point out the error.
Whoever was behind the video replied back: “Yet my videos get more views than yours.”
Not true that he/she/it/they have more views but that’s not the point. (My YouTube channel.) This video channel doesn’t care if it tells the truth, only that it gets views.
Argumentum ad Populum
Argument to the people or from popularity, more commonly called the “bandwagon fallacy,” is a very common logical fallacy. It’s the irrational thinking behind the personal justification of “everyone else is doing it” and the marketing hype of “it’s the #1 bestseller, you need to get one.”
That something is popular doesn’t make it good. That many people believe something doesn’t make it true. This should be obvious, and yet, the argumentum ad populum is perhaps the most popular logical fallacy. I’m not trying to be funny.
Humans are social animals, and we need to fit in and be recognized by others as doing the appropriate things, believing the proper beliefs. That’s the power behind the bandwagon fallacy. People don’t want to feel left out. Peer pressure means it’s easier to go along with the crowd.
Social media feeds off of that fear of missing out and the related bandwagon fallacy. People behave in certain ways to get more likes and more followers. People behave in silly and outrageous ways to become popular, including on YouTube. Perhaps, especially on YouTube.
Worse, some people crave being popular. The need for recognition can become an obsession. People will lie, cheat, and steal for a bit of fame without regard to truth, integrity, or who they harm.
Even worse — that lying, cheating, and stealing works. All logical fallacies are harmful, but none are more pernicious than the bandwagon fallacy. Some people want to be popular. Other people fear being left out. That combines to create people famous for being famous, not famous for being honest, with integrity, or good at anything other than tricking people into following them. The bandwagon fallacy is bad enough in its effects in social media and popular culture (see every pop music act), but it’s truly harmful in politics.
Back to the YouTube channel kind of talking about philosophy. Whoever is behind it is willing to lie to get views. Why not, “everyone else is doing it.” How many lies told to get views are lies that viewers come to believe? What are the knock-on effects?
I’m sure it surprises no one that people will lie to get more views on YouTube. I certainly wasn’t surprised to see this channel lie about philosophy. But just because many people do it doesn’t make it right. I’m not trying to be ironic.
An honest and accurate (and therefore less popular) YouTube philosophy channel: