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The web content emphasizes the importance of writing skills for content creators, particularly college students, to succeed in various online platforms and professional roles.


The article underscores the significance of writing as a critical skill for content creators, which can be leveraged across multiple platforms such as newsletters, YouTube, and social media. It suggests that college students should hone their writing abilities to capitalize on opportunities like ghostwriting, copywriting, and digital content creation. The piece argues that success in these areas requires sacrifice, patience, and persistence, and it highlights the potential for high remuneration and impact through effective writing. Additionally, it points out that good writing skills can lead to academic success and provide a competitive edge in the digital landscape.


  • Success in any field, including content creation, necessitates sacrifice and hard work.
  • Content creators who are patient and consistent can produce great content that resonates with audiences.
  • Understanding sales and marketing is crucial for creative professionals to monetize their work.
  • Copywriting is a valuable skill for entrepreneurs, as it can directly influence customer acquisition and sales.
  • Artificial Intelligence is seen as a tool to assist copywriters, not replace them.
  • Writing is intrinsically linked to clear thinking, and mastering it is essential for effective communication.
  • The internet has created new avenues for writers, such as SEO Copywriters, UX Writers, and Content Writers, to share their ideas and succeed in the digital age.

The Most Important Skill of Content Creators That Every College Student Should Learn Right Now

Do you want to build an online audience?

Photo by Ivan Samkov: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-woman-in-blue-sweater-eating-a-pizza-7676392/

Most people want to become successful, but they do not want to make any sacrifice.

But success comes from making sacrifices. For example, if you want to become a great basketball player, you need to sacrifice not seeing your family because you want to win a championship. Successful people know that real progress happens in silence.

Content creators are changing the educational system and here’s why college students should focus on improving their writing skills:

1. You can write newsletters and turn written content into YouTube videos.

I learned this lesson from Dan Koe.

Dan writes an email newsletter to his subscribers and he also adds tweets on his YouTube videos. He also creates content on Instagram and LinkedIn. As a result, many of his YouTube videos have gone viral. Great content does not happen by accident.

It is the result of years of hard work and consistency.

The best content creators are patient and persistent.

2. You can charge a premium rate as a ghostwriter.

When I was 21 years old, I found my first ghostwriting client.

Creative professionals need to study sales and marketing, if they want to monetize their art. I used to think that sales and marketing were evil. But this is not true. You are an evil person if you market a product or service that does not work.

If you want to learn the basics of content marketing, read Epic Content Marketing (2nd Edition), by Joe Pulizzi and Brian Piper.

3. Most entrepreneurs and founders need great copywriters.

Most entrepreneurs want new customers for their businesses.

Great copywriters can turn words into cash. They persuade people to buy products and services by writing sales letters and product copy. The best copywriters are psychologists who understand the problems of their customers.

Artificial Intelligence will not replace copywriters.

AI is an awesome tool to help copywriters generate new ideas for their clients.

4. Good writing will help you achieve high grades in college.

When I was in high school, I got 91% grade on creative writing.

I also used to get good grades on my essays back in college. Writing is one of the skills you should master if you want to become a great communicator. Good writing can make you cry.

As William Zinsser once said, “Clear thinking becomes clear writing; one can’t exist without the other.”

5. You can share your ideas on the internet.

If you want to become a Digital Writer, share your ideas on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Medium.

I learned this from Nicolas Cole. The internet created a new category of writers. These type of writers are SEO Copywriters, UX Writers, and Content Writers. There are different ways to become a successful writer in the digital age.

As an artist, we can leverage the internet to share our voice and art.

Thanks for reading!

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