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Understanding ChatGPT: Why It’s Even Bigger Than You Think

Your Worst Nightmare About Chat GPT Come to Life

Photo by Wikipedia

You’re probably wondering, “Why should I read your boring article?”

I know, you’re right. I wouldn’t read it, either.

But this will be our secret.🤫 I’m sure you can keep secrets. 🤝 By the way, I would like to ask you a favor.

Can you read it for me (when you have a few minutes at your disposal) and tell me if it’s really that boring, or can you give me a clap just for the effort?

I promise that the next time I will use GPT chat and create those articles so perfectly, they will leave you speechless.

But for now, I’m afraid you’ll have to be content with this. 🤷‍♀️

So let’s cut to the chase because I guess you’re going to have a lot of important things to do.

What was called jokingly impossible some years ago is now completely possible and available at our fingertips. Where do we go as a society after this kind of AI starts being widely used?

The scary part isn’t that AI can replicate our knowledge and wisdom. AI will eventually be artificially limited when it comes to taking our jobs. At least initially. Governments know this leads to chaos and uprisings.

The problem is that AI will be irresistibly seductive because it can be inhumanly ‘human’.

It will always be there whenever you want it, no matter the time or day you need it to be available. Its capacity for ‘empathy’ and ‘compassion’ is beyond what a mere mortal can muster. An infinite shoulder to cry on. A god for a mentor.

Going forward, we might find people entrust their problems to a chatbot rather than a friend. I read several comments from people the other day asking if chatbots will take the place of therapists and so on. It’s scary how much confusion there is on this issue and how much people rely on a simple chatbot.

With the time we spend online, what’s scary is how much artificial intelligence dominates our relations.

Yet, all this doesn’t mean that I am against artificial intelligence or Chat GPT. I would like to point it out. Provided they are used as a tool rather than an integral part of our lives.

That’s about it, people.

p.s. I Love You!

Oh no, it wasn’t like that. I’ll try again. 😅

p.s. I want to thank you for your patience in finishing this story. You had nothing better to do, did you? You were bored and you chose to read a boring article. The perfect match.

Artificial Intelligence
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