#281 — DEAD OR ALIVE | Life
The Miracle of Understanding
As individuals, our faults abound, but as a species in the universe we are incredible
We, as a species, learn, study, and research any and everything we can about any question that can be thought up. We do it so nonchalantly, that we forget how incredible this action is.
As individuals, we learn the necessary, the interesting, and the insignificant. Collectively, our brains are in the buffet line at the Hotel Casino Discovery.
What I find so unimaginable is that we are so tiny in the scheme of things yet, we know so much more about the universe than it knows about us.
For example, the Sun is the largest object in our solar system — its diameter is one million miles across — deep within its core it is producing helium from hydrogen through the process of fusion.
During this miracle of pressure and heat the Sun emits photons of light as a byproduct. Those light photons allow life to prosper here on Earth and they are also converted into heat to keep our small blue planet toasty warm enough for life to thrive.
Yet, with all its size, importance, and massiveness it has no awareness of self, the planets orbiting it, or the other stars out in the universe with their solar systems.
I am assuming the Sun has no awareness of any kind that it even is the big Kahuna in the sky.
If there is an awareness it would be purely one based on physics — a tug-of-war, so to speak, due to gravity vs velocity, not an awareness scribed in tablets of knowledge — also known as books.
It is true, that within the universe, we are but sub-atomic particles, yet we are aware of the universe and all the other different kinds of sub-atomic particles that reside within.
We are aware of the contents of the Sun and how it works. No other body in our solar system or beyond our cosmic expanse can say it is aware of us and how we work.
Other intelligent life forms in the starry regions may be blessed with the ability to understand too — in fact, I am positive the universe is filled with others just like us — just different.
Humans have large and amazing brains. Our neuro-factory fabricates everything we see, feel, hear, and smell. Color does not exist in the real world, only in a tiny area in our brain does color live. Our neurons manufacture more than a million different shades of color all through interpreting the various waves of light refracting off objects.
Light is the fastest thing in the universe, and yet, it has no idea that it is also one of the most beautiful things in the universe, as well.
Go ahead, split those photons into a multitude of various wavelengths and you’ve got the Wonderful World of Disney.
We assume all of life is outside us but the truth be told, our reality is of our own making.
When a photon hits an object it is refracted into a specific wavelength of light which is received by our eye and sent to the color vision processing center. The length of the wave will vary when refracted. This wavelength is interpreted by our brain as a specific shade or hue of one of the 3 primary or 3 secondary colors.
My question is — the color I call “Blue” is it the same as the color blue that you see? We both see it as blue but who is to say the blue you see and the blue I see are not completely different?
You might see what I see as blue and you would not recognize it as the same blue you see. It is just a thought I had and yet, I have to admit I think it is a spot-on possibility.
I’m not sure about some of my hard-to-prove theories, but I try to keep understanding this miracle we call life.
If you check out this link above you will see the area designated as V8 in the top image at the bottom right in blue — you’ll see how tiny of an area it is that produces our color vision. My God, we are amazing!
Isn’t that incredible? We even know and understand how our brain processes information. I feel sorry for AI trying to catch up with the millennium of knowledge we have amassed.
“What? AI has already learned everything we know and understands it even better than we do.”
News break! Human beings are being replaced by something that understands more, better, and faster. All humans will be asked to surrender their existence one week from today.
Please, do not try to hide — don’t be afraid — you will love your new freedom. (Wink, Wink!)
What we are doing is best for all concerned — Try to understand
Another News Flash — Not to worry! Just wait until one of these AI creatures discovers Greed — that will be the end of those suckers.
Peace, Love, and Unconditional Happiness!
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