avatarJohn C. Davis


The author is a writer who has recently joined the Medium publication Illumination, sharing personal growth and optimism through essays and articles with the aim of healing the world.


The author expresses gratitude for being part of the Medium publication Illumination, acknowledging the guidance of Dr. Mehmet Yildiz and the community's editors. Having started writing for Medium in early 2020 and only recently contributing to Illumination, the author reflects on a transformative journey from self-doubt to self-expression, culminating in the self-publication of a book titled "Accept Connect Heal: A Vision of Hope for Our World." This book, a collection of essays, conveys the author's belief in the potential for human kindness and the power of words to heal. The author's mission is to create work that contributes to global healing, emphasizing that this responsibility is shared by all. They invite readers to discover their own worth and potential through their writing, which includes pieces like "You Are Important" and "Hope Has Not Been Cancelled."


  • The author believes in the transformative power of gratitude and acknowledges the role of the Illumination community in their growth.
  • They have transitioned from a place of doubt about their work's value to a conviction that their words can have a healing impact on the world.
  • The author advocates for the idea that every individual has the capacity to contribute positively to the world and that this collective effort is crucial for hope and healing.
  • They see their writing as a means to help others recognize their inherent beauty and unlock their gifts, suggesting that self-awareness and acceptance are keys to personal fulfillment.
  • The author's essays, such as "I Play a Part in This Drama of Life," emphasize personal responsibility and the potential for peace that comes with it.
  • Through articles like "The Blank Screen," the author encourages readers to consider the potential of their own creative contributions.

A Little Bit About Me

Bio prompt from Dr. Mehmet Yildiz

I am a grateful man.

I have not always been grateful.

I started writing for Medium in the beginning of 2020, and only started sending some of my work to Illumination about three weeks ago.

New to this wonderful publication, I am discovering the amazing array of talent here. I am grateful to Dr. Yildiz for accepting me into the publication, and to all of the wonderful editors who are helping to nurture this amazing community.

I have been writing since I was a child, but I never believed that I had anything worthwhile to share with anyone.

My manuscripts got stuffed into a drawer or they never made it onto paper, because I believed that my material was not interesting enough to be shared with others.

Something changed in March of 2018.

I was sitting in my car and a thought came to me. I wrote it down.

That was the miracle. I wrote it down.

I’ve always have thoughts rolling around my head. But, now I let them out.

The thoughts began to pour out of me faster and faster.

What came out of this releasing of my thoughts was a book that I self-published in December of 2019.

The book is titled Accept Connect Heal: A Vision of Hope for Our World.

The book is a series of essays that describe why I believe there is still hope for the human race. It is an optimistic book full of examples of how we can better to each other.

The reason I write is that I believe that words have enormous power. They can either hurt or they can heal.

I choose to use my words to heal the world.

In my own simple way my mission is to create a body of work that will help to heal the world. It’s a bold statement. In that statement is implied that we all have that power to heal the world. It’s not me alone. It’s all of us.

Here are some examples of how I’m trying to heal the world. These articles have either been self published by me on Medium or accepted into Illumination.

My hope is that through my writing you will discover the beauty that is inside of you. Your life is even more amazing that you realize, and your willingness to admit that is the key that will unlock your amazing gifts.

Thank you Illumination for inviting me into your family. I am grateful to be here!

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