

The “Master Resell Rights” Is The New Online Scam We Didn’t Need

Be wary of things that are too good to be true.

Image created by AI tool Leonardo AI — the author has the provenance and copyright, edited in Canva/ Leonardo.AI & Canva.

In the wonderful world of online “scammy scams,” MRR is making its impact.

It’s another product that promises the world to its buyers but doesn’t quite deliver.

It’s a model that only sounds great on paper.

The “Master Resell Rights” model is simple yet sketchy.

Let’s say that a person named Anna sells her digital marketing course to another person named Debby. The buyer, Debby, can use the course for two purposes: to learn how to market her digital products and resell the course while keeping 100% of the profits.

It sounds great on paper, but it’s not. Let me explain why.

Image from author/ Edited in Canva.

While sellers claim not to be doing any cold calling, they instead lure potential buyers on social media with strategic hashtags such as #masterresellrights #passiveincome #onlinebusiness, with similar captions as the ones below.

“Watch this video to find out how I made $10,000 in 3 days using Master Resell Rights.”

“Leave a comment to learn more!”

But that doesn’t stop at social media. Etsy, for instance, has dozens of “Roadmap to Riches” listings promising us the Moon if we invest in their $500 course.

Yes, you read it well. The course costs nearly $500.

Most of those listings also have a similar design and description:

“Multiple streams of income are so important. This course will be the perfect addition to your existing business or the start of a new adventure. It has the potential to change your life,” explains one listing.

“You can easily turn this into a profitable side hustle and quit that 9–5! This course is rapidly growing, and now is the time to get a head start. This is helping business owners succeed everywhere!” describes another one, selling the same course.

You must have understood by now that their strategy is to make you contact them so they can sell you the course. By the way, they never tell you what the course is precisely. They only tell you what it can do for you.

There is another piece of information that they make sure to leave out of the equation. Turns out, the market is already getting oversaturated.

Let’s think about it for a second.

If each person who buys the course starts pitching it aggressively to friends, family, and social media, it will be soon that all your friends and neighbors begin selling the product themselves.

MRR preys on vulnerable people to make a profit.

While MRR is not an MLM, it serves the same purpose: exploiting vulnerable people to make a profit. The ones buying the course will likely have to sell it themselves to recoup the money spent.

A survey from the AARP Foundation evidenced that among the participants who took part in an MLM at least once in their lifetime, 74% reported they lost money or made no money due to their participation with MLM. At the same time, 54% of the respondents reported that the company misled them in describing their chances of achieving financial success.

We can expect similar figures with the “Master Resell Rights.”

If something is too good to be true, then maybe it’s not true. Like the MLM, the ones catching the train early will profit most.

Plenty of free courses and videos can teach you digital marketing or any other skill you want to learn. You don’t need a $500 course to learn how to be more organized or how to post your first few YouTube videos.

On the same note, earning money online without scamming others is possible.

YouTube content creators earn money from their videos without charging you $500 a piece. But they know very well that finding their audience and monetizing will take time and commitment.

Stay safe wherever you are, and make sure to do your research if something seems too good to be true.

And remember: that person you watch videos of on social media may not have all the best intentions in the world when introducing you to that groundbreaking product.

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