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The Love Pub: Verboten Series Featuring Pillowtalk for Our Love Month

#1 Pillowtalk Series only posted on “The Love Pub." Do join us and share your conversations in the dark.

Art by Author, Love (email for prints: [email protected])

Wait what…What is this series all about?

Verboten! Forbidden Stories!

Dedicated to our Love Month! I bring you Pillowtalk! A Verboten Series on “The Love Pub”

I’d like to share a brief background on this series and where the inspiration came from. When I was growing up in the Philippines, in a little city called Cebu, everyone at noon took a siesta. Depending on who you ask, it normally involves an hour of lunch and an hour nap, then everyone comes back to the office. That’s a freaking 2-hour lunch break. Why did I leave a country that had a two-hour paid lunch break? Gotta love that!

Now, right about after lunch, around 100 pm sharp, every weekday afternoon, there was a radio show called “Verboten.” I was a child at the age of five when I first heard this radio show. I can remember all the office workers, housekeepers, drivers, the entire freakin’ city would have this radio show blasted for about an hour. Everyone was peeled to that AM radio show.

Now, back to my “WHY” about creating this series.

“Verboten” means "forbidden." Hence, the radio show was about forbidden love! The radio show would have real characters; they would vocalize a 30-minute forbidden dramatized love story, leave a cliffhanger, then have a part two at 130 pm. The whole show had “ooes” and “ahhs”, “kissing" and everything you can think of as it relates to sensual, romantic love.

It brought the entire city together! Everyone liked each other, hugged each other…had affairs with each other…it was a whole lotta lovin going on in the afternoon.

Time out. Hold that thought. This is what I realized as I got older.

The radio show comes on at what time? 100 pm for an hour. Then everyone goes to nappy time; now, looking back, they were all having nookie time. The radio show after lunch made everyone horny. I have been hearing orgasms since I was a child. I think I have been destroyed because of this radio show!

So there. That is the brief version of the inspiration behind this series. I thought, “why not have Forbidden Love Story series?” have funny campfire jokes about our funniest first dates and relationships. Have all the stories dusted with some humor, romance, sensual love—you name it.

Well, perhaps we can have a fun “Verboten” story you’d like to share here on this pub. The Verboten Series would bring topics about the conversations that we were forbidden to have; we can share jokes with each other; it could be anything you deem it to be.

C’mon now, I’d like to know how a mermaid dates a human too! Some story like that! This is an adult series.

Stories will be posted during the “Verboten” hours in the afternoon-evening.

This is the pilot story. Please let me know if you care for these stories. Let’s keep the characters fictional.

#1 Pillowtalk when dating an Engineer

Art by Author, Love

It’s about 900pm. Getting really cozy for bed, the fireplace crackling, Kindle’s are off, as we both join and say, “Lights out, Alexie.”

Kaitlyn: Hon, what music did you want to listen to tonight?

Engineer Lover: Picking up his phone, well, I have this awesome mix, but I do not like the interface with ***NK, — -but what the heck!

Spa music starts playing…

Engineer Lover: What the heck! That’s not in my playlist!

Kaitlyn: Trying to hide a giggle. Well, at least I know you like Spa Music too!!! Giggle….giggle….

Engineer Lover: It’s what it picks for me; I don’t pick it…what the heck?

Kaitlyn: Did you want me to airdrop my mix to you?

Engineer Lover: No, it’s good. For sure.

Music starts playing. Spanish guitar.

Engineer Lover: I did not do that!

Kaitlyn: Oh, I like that sweet baby!

Engineer Lover: What was your hardest math subject?

Kaitlin: Silently thinking. “What was your most difficult math subject? Are you thinking about Calculus, Geometry, Trigonometry, why is he asking me anything about math?” Playing it safe, this was my reply. “All of the math subjects were difficult for me, hon!”

Engineer Lover: Calculus was my worst, but when I started to use them for work on a daily basis, I got to understand them better. I just did not pay attention in class, it was all because of that pretty teacher…Miss Agnes Bella….all of us kept looking at her legs, while she was teaching Calculus. (Me: As he is obviously reminiscing Ms. Agnes’ legs, ooh what a memory)

Kaitlin: In my head, just thinking…Earth calling Engineer love, let me know when you get back. Why do these engineers, at work, too, think we can do math in our heads just like they do, anytime of the day?

Kaitlyn: Silently thinking, “Dang, I hope he does not ask me a math equation.”

While listening to Spanish guitar music!

So, what do you think?

So here we are. Let’s share some very funny, crazy, conversations, jokes, the things we did, do for Love. Let’s not hurt any feelings here. Keeping them within Medium’s realm of policies. I’ll feature stories from other Medium authors as well.Let’s have fun. Let’s connect.

Let me know if this is a series you would enjoy? I’ll start posting more “Verboten” stories on evenings on “The Love Pub” and feature other stories from my favorite Medium authors as well.

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