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The Joy of Solitude Living in the Autumn

In the Search for Self and Reality

Illustration by www.omaritani.com

The falling leaves of Autumn impart the lessons of letting go as one is reminded in reflections on the permanence of change and the impermanence of life. In the midst of solitude living surrounded by the autumnal display of golden leaves and cool air, I discover a profound connection with my inner self that emboldens and empowers introspection to rediscover the beauty of simplicity. And I basked in joyful appreciation in the rediscovery of the inner wisdom of spiritual awakening that is found only in solitude living.

Solitude living is not an escape from reality and society. It is a deliberate and intentional conscious choice to slow down the busyness of everyday life and to pause, reflect, ponder, and be still, as one finds deep intimate meaning and companionship in solace.

In the solace of solitude living, we discover a psychologically safe sanctuary to examine our thinking, beliefs, values, emotions, aspirations, and achievements without the distraction of worldly chatters and politically correct directives.

As we allow our mind to wander without self-constructed or socially-imposed limits, we find ourselves on a journey of self-exploration towards eventual self-enlightenment and self-renewal, as we shed and discard all that has not, did not, and never could provide us the joy and happiness we deserve.

The falling leaves of Autumn are a visual metaphor for the shedding of our own burdens, regrets, loss, and fears. Whatever has passed is in the past, and never to return unless we allow them to. The seasons are in fact mirrors of our own cycles of birth, growth, rebirth, change, and transformation. Solitude living during the Autumn aligns and synchronises our inner rhythms with the natural environment and the universe. We discover our mutual connectivity in an interconnected multiverse and realise that we are never alone.

We live the cycles of renewal, change, and transformation. This awareness and realisation ground our hope and inspiration in the belief and conviction to be able to create our own futures.

The art of solitude living is not being alone, or being lonely. It is the opportunity for self-discovery and reconnection with the world around us, so as to discover new passions, life goals, purposeful meaning, and new futures. Solitude living nourishes our souls by opening the Autumnal doorway into a refreshing season of new beginnings. We then take the first step through the portal to the rest of our life.

Autumn is a time of hope, inspiration, and creativity. The changing landscape with dynamic vibrant colours drives human creativity and inspiration. Out there in the passing Autumn, its exquisite changes present a flourishing agenda of ideas for creative endeavours like poetry, writing, imagination, art, inventions, innovation, and transform lifestyles.

Solitude Living marches to the symphony of creative silence that composes its own music as it unpacks the beauty of self-reflection sparked by human creativity. It nurtures and creates an environment where ideas flow freely, and where the soul finds expression.

In Autumn, the journey of solitude living to enlightened self-discovery, renewal, and transformation is an affirmation that we shall find wisdom and positive mental health surrounded and protected with ever-present psychological safety. As we behold the breathtaking beauty of the external environment, we are also joyfully enriched by the immense creative potential of our inner world.

Modified by Author from Illustration by www.washingtonpost.com

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