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Dancing Elephants Press has published "The Joy of Life," a collaborative book featuring a collection of articles on spirituality, joyfulness, and inspiration written by 11 diverse authors.


"The Joy of Life," the second book by Dancing Elephants Press, is being prepared for publication in both e-book and print formats. This anthology comprises personal experiences and insights from 11 writers, who delve into themes of spirituality, joyfulness, and inspiration. The book aims to offer readers a source of wisdom and positivity, with each author sharing their unique perspectives and life stories. The articles are organized into sections on spirituality, joyfulness, and inspiration, followed by biographies of the contributors. The work is celebrated for its depth and the heartfelt contributions from its authors, who have been commended for their vulnerability and the profound impact of their writing.


  • Reviewers have praised the book for its sincere understanding of the topics at hand and its ability to provide readers with valuable life lessons.
  • The book is seen as a testament to the power of storytelling and the human experience, with each story offering a window into the authors' lives.
  • Readers are encouraged to find joy in life's simple pleasures and to embrace the interconnectedness of all beings.
  • The collection is appreciated for its diversity of voices and the range of experiences and cultural backgrounds represented by the authors.
  • Intuition and its role in guiding life decisions is a recurring theme that resonates with readers, emphasizing the importance of listening to one's inner voice.
  • The book is acknowledged for its potential to inspire, uplift, and provide hope, with stories that cater to a wide audience from teens to adults.
  • Authors and reviewers alike believe that the book's messages are particularly relevant in today's fast-paced world, where brief moments of reflection and learning are cherished.
  • The project has been a collaborative effort, with special thanks extended to those who reviewed the book and to the community of writers and supporters at Dancing Elephants Press.

Book Publishing

The Joy of Life

Dancing Elephants Press Book #2 Submitted for Publishing

Snip by Gabriella 7/28/23

🎉🎉🎉🎉Time to Celebrate our second Book “The Joy of Life” is being uploaded to Draft2Digital to be published. 🎉🎉🎉🎉

“A collection of amazing articles on Spirituality, Joyfulness, and Inspiration.

In this book you will find a collection of articles from 11 amazing writers that share their personal experiences and moments from their thoughts, their life, and the wisdom that brings this collection to the next level. Each writer for this book put their heart and soul into their writing and embraced humanity and vulnerability to share their thoughts with you, our reader. I hope you will enjoy this collection.” Gabriella

Snip by Gabriella 7/28/23

🎉🎉🎉🎉Dancing Elephants Press Book Project Authors

Carmen Micsa, MA in English, podcaster, Jennifer Dunne, Umme Salma, Annelise Lords, Shubha Apte, Dr. Fatima Imam, GnanVi_Speaks, Aarti Tailor, Dr. Preeti Singh, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, and Dr. Gabriella Korosi.

🎉🎉🎉🎉The list of places where our e-book will be available shortly:

Snip by Gabriella 7/28/23

🎉🎉🎉🎉Our print book is currently being prepared to be published, and the manuscript has been uploaded.

snip by Gabriella 7/28/23

🎉🎉🎉🎉Our previous book Holistic Journey Toward Wellness is also being published on a new platform.

snip by Gabriella 7/28/23

🎉🎉🎉🎉At this time I would like to say a special thank you to the amazing authors who were so kind to review our book before publishing. DR Rawson - The Possibilist, Rick Allen, Lola Rosario, and Trista Signe Ainsworth. From all of our book authors to you. Thank you for taking the time to read our book and write a review. It means the world to an author when their work is appreciated.

I would like to show you the amazing reviews we received for the book:

🎉🎉🎉🎉From DR Rawson - The Possibilist

“It’s an honor to write a review for the latest cooperative body of work from Dancing Elephant Press. There are many reasons why this book is important.

Women from many parts of the world have written this book. Personally, I enjoy the women’s point of view. Believe me when I tell you that these writers sincerely understand the topic at hand. The stories you’ll read are beautifully presented and constructed so that you can read a story daily to give thought to your day.

Let’s get to the primary reason, “Why should I read this book?” At my age (77), I only have two reasons to read any book. They are:

1. Does it add value to my life?

2. Will the knowledge gained be something I would pass on to others?

The answer in both cases is YES!

In a world where Twitter, TicToc, and others exist, people want to learn in pieces. Small bits of text with real information. That’s part of the Joy and value of the writing in this book. The information is delivered elegantly and simply, so much so that anyone can benefit from the stories and ideas that have been compiled for your benefit.

How to discern Joy in Life?

Every story presents an aspect of life that all of us need to remember or learn and then apply in our lives.

I can assure you that this book will inspire you. It will also give you hope for this generation and the next. The lessons taught are suitable for young teens to every age of adulthood. Don’t miss the chance to experience Joy in a very unique way.”

DR Rawson

🎉🎉🎉🎉From Rick Allen

“I was captivated by this anthology from Dancing Elephants Press Book Project. This extraordinary collection comprises stories by 11 amazing, diverse authors. I discovered a treasure trove of articles that examine Spirituality, Joyfulness, and Inspiration.

The writers have crafted a symphony of personal experiences and profound reflections. They have fearlessly embraced their humanity and vulnerability, inviting you and me to embark on a journey of shared thoughts and meaningful insights.

Each writer in “The Joy of Life” offers a unique perspective, drawing from their rich life experiences, wisdom, and understanding of the world. Their biographies at the end of the collection are just as fascinating as their words.

As I was reading, these remarkable articles opened windows into their authors’ lives and gateways to understanding the human condition in all its complexity.

“The Joy of Life” is more than just a collection of stories; it is a celebration of the human experience, a testament to the power of storytelling, and an invitation to cherish the moments that define our existence. Whether you seek solace in spirituality, delight in the joy of life’s little pleasures, or seek inspiration to navigate the ups and downs of existence, this anthology has something to offer you.

I was touched by the profound honesty and depth of feeling that emanate from these exceptional writers. May their words uplift your spirit, spark new perspectives, and remind you of the beauty surrounding us, as they have done for me.

“The Joy of Life” is presented in four sections:

  1. Spirituality
  2. Joyfulness
  3. Inspiration
  4. Biographies

‘The Joy of Life’ is an invitation to embrace the beauty of the human experience, finding inspiration in the stories of these talented writers.

‘The Joy of Life’ is where the magic of storytelling awaits us, inviting us to explore the depths of human emotion and the wonders of existence.


While each of these stories touched me in different ways, some struck a chord within me.

“Spirituality: A Way of Being” by Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi is a heartfelt exploration of her understanding of spirituality. To her, spirituality means connecting with everything and everyone, showing love, care, humility, and support for oneself and others. It is about experiencing the beauty and joy of life, embracing birth and death, and being part of the collective particles that form the universe. She believes in the feeling of oneness with the universe, humanity, plants, animals, and minerals, sharing past experiences of feeling the presence of departed loved ones as sources of comfort and support. For her, spirituality is expressed through gatherings, like churches or various groups, where like-minded individuals come together, fostering unity and love. She invites readers to contemplate their own understanding of spirituality and to cherish the interconnectedness shared among all beings in the vast universe.

“Listening to My Intuition — An Amazing Experience in Spirituality” by Vidya Sury

Vidya shares a compelling story about the power of intuition and its connection to spirituality. She believes intuition is a form of spirituality within us, guiding us to make life’s best decisions. Vidya recounts a life-changing experience from 1984 when her intuition saved her from a potentially fatal accident while crossing a busy road.

As she happily set out for work, she heard an inner voice telling her not to cross the road at a certain point. Trusting her intuition, she stepped back, delaying her crossing. Moments later, a tragic accident occurred as a truck collided with a man crossing the road, resulting in his death. She realized that their inner voice had saved her life, highlighting the significance of listening to intuition and the potential consequences of ignoring it.

Vidya emphasizes the importance of meditation and spending quiet time with oneself to develop and trust one’s intuition. Intuition, she explains, thrives in a relaxed and peaceful state of mind, and its insights often come as sudden “aha” moments or solutions to problems out of the blue.

Vidya encourages readers to be aware of their intuition, as it offers valuable information beyond conscious awareness. She concludes by affirming that intuition may hold the power to save lives, just as it did for her.

Annelise Lords told a remarkable story about gratitude. The moral of that story is: “The good and the bad made us who we are. If we love and are grateful for who we have become, we can’t accept one and reject the other. Both give us reasons to be. And along with self-love, we can heal ourselves and others.”

Jennifer Dunne launched a Search for the Source of Spirituality. Her search involved organized religion, colors, music, and personal experiences.

Carmen Micsa is a runner and told of running through trails lined with daffodils in nature. This is a part of her spirituality.

Each of these writers tells of the deep personal connection with their own spirituality and how it is a part of their lives. From their decision-making to the practical demonstration of the value of intuition, these stories demonstrate the depth of their belief systems.


“Joyous Moments in My Life” by Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi spins a delightful tale including dance, painting, harmony, writing, flowers, colors, self-care, gratitude, smile, flow-states, and being in Nature.

“Joyful Living with Beautiful Flowers and Community” by Dr. Preeti Singh reflects a quote “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” Winston Churchill. My experience in the last two years has been very rewarding. I have found real joy in new growth. I find the seasonal change of plants follows a pattern very much like our life.

I have found joy both with community work and plants.

“I Have Learned to Find Joy Even in Hard Times” by Vidya Sury Collecting Smiles sums her story with “Life is all about uncertainty. All kinds of things will happen. While we cannot control that, we can control how we respond. Our reactions define our lives. We are in charge of how we feel. When we understand that, joy can never be far away.”

The other stories look for ways to recognize Joyfulness and ways to create or re-discover Joyfulness. Annelise tells an amazing story of a journalist interviewing a convicted murderer and finding a pathway to re-direct her inner story.

“Two Paths of Joy” by Jennifer Dunne emphasizes that Happiness is fleeting, but Joy comes from within. The first path is learned while we are young. She says, “My worldview is simple: The universe loves me and wants me to be happy. No matter how painful it may be in the moment, any situation is ultimately there for my greatest happiness. It is a learning opportunity if I do not see what it means.”

Her second path comes with maturity. She says of this path, “Joy is a state of being. It is based on how you view the world and your place in the world. As such, it can be changed by changing either your view of the world or your view of yourself.”

The other stories of Joyfulness in this collection talk of Joy as a pure, powerful, and vibrant state of mind. They tell of fulfillment and the simple pleasure of walking across a bridge at sunset. Their poetry opens my heart to experience more Joy in this life.

“Joy cannot be seen by others but can be felt by some; it’s a mystery to many.” — GnanVi.


“Inspiration can strike at any moment, and magical things can open up your world.” — Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi

“Moments of Inspiration” by Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi opens with a scene where she wants to paint. She is so deeply involved that she wants to create new colors to paint with. A video inspired her painting with natural elements and left her in awe.

“Future Generations Hear My Plea Save The Children” by Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi introduces us to the Mighty Elephant King. This is the beginning of a project to provide a way for children to spend more time in nature to develop their brains. The project also involves Annelise Lords, GnanVi, and her husband Vinod. Conversations with other creators spark much inspiration in this world.

“The Gentle and Kind Hands Inspire Me to Pay It Forward” by Dr. Preeti Singh tells of her desire to pay it forward. She tells a beautiful story of the guard and his life since coming to the city. Dr. Singh was inspired by his story, which fed her belief that we must do good deeds and help others. She says, “Inspiration can come from any source. Often, we get it from unexpected sources. It may be from influential people or common people. It is like a flashbulb and comes in an instant.”

“Your Decision Is Your Life” by Annelise Lords tells a fascinating story of a man strongly urged by his parents to become a Neurosurgeon. He became a success and, twenty years later, faced a painful memory that caused him to reconsider his life. His lesson learned was, “Your decisions will be your life. Your happiness sits on your decisions. Let them be your own.”

“The Night My Life Path Changed” by Jennifer Dunne is a beautiful story about changing one’s life. She used a new moon eclipse ceremony to eliminate old beliefs and set intentions for the future. She receives inspiration from people, nature, and from her own life experience.

Her story of the new moon eclipse ceremony is fascinating and inspires us all to make our own changes. Jennifer says, “I was shown a better way of being.”

The other stories in this section tell of how the authors were inspired and, in their stories, inspire us, the readers.

Life is so beautiful!

Just change the angle of your lens a bit and align your heart and mind to it!

Observe, and then you’ll see it and feel it!

— GnanVi

Dr. Fatima Imam sums it up with “using 17 muscles to Smile!”


Here is a list of the authors: Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi, Dr. Preeti Singh, Vidya Sury Collecting Smiles, Annelise Lords, Umme Salma, Jennifer Dunne. Carmen Micsa, Dr. Fatima Imam, GnanVi, Shubha Apte, Aarti Taylor

They are each remarkable in their own way. These biographies surprised me and delighted me. These are people I would like to get to know. The best way is to read their works. Reading their stories has convinced me that their hearts were in each of their stories.

This book is a surprise for me. The personal touch can be felt throughout the pages. Each author gave their all in the creation of these stories. I can appreciate that. I learned so much about the divergent cultures and the various mindsets that exist and thrive in this world.”

Rick Allen

🎉🎉🎉🎉From Trista Signe Ainsworth

“Within the pages of this book, you will find stories of deep love and understanding for all humankind. Authors from diverse backgrounds share their experiences in life bringing true joy to your heart through their words on the pages. I felt my own world expand upon reading each piece. It is my sincere wish that you will find joy by taking in each essay and letting it speak to you.” — Trista Ainsworth

🎉🎉🎉🎉From Lola Rosario

“Dancing Elephants Press’s 2023 book, The Joy of Life is a treasure for anyone seeking to connect with their spirituality and innate wisdom. In this compilation, the reader finds countless gems.

One that resonated deeply with me is Shubha Apte’s Simple Spirituality-Finding Balance In Life. Referencing her father’s dedication to The Bhagavad Gita, she notes how she learned that spirituality goes

deeper than going to temples or ‘following rigorous religious practices.’ During my 200-hour yoga teacher training in 2016, we also studied these teachings and I remember the focus being on mindfulness and being

intentional about one’s actions. Another part of Shubha’s article I connected with was how she cultivates a greater sense of purpose by

engaging in acts of kindness and compassion (both professionally and personally) and finding inspiration in nature and art. This gave me a smile because it reminded me of one of the things I enjoy doing — taking

breaks to be in nature and write poetry verses.

Another piece I found insightful was Vidya Sury’s I Have Learned to Find Joy Even in Hard Times. In it, she reflects on the beauty of being optimistic even during life’s challenging moments. Indeed, we can

all relate, especially considering the global pandemic of the coronavirus where we had to learn to adapt to a new way of interacting, working, and living.

Surrounding ourselves with those who can help uplift and support us, Vidya reminds us that while ‘solitude may help,’ being around others who are our cheerleaders goes a long way to aiding during hard times. And

by also reminding us of the lack of permanency in life, she offers her wisdom to keep us hopeful that better days are indeed ahead.”

Lola Rosario

🎉🎉🎉🎉I would like to say thank you to all the amazing people on Medium who have been supportive of our Book Project. I hope you will add this book to your book collection and enjoy each section written by amazing authors. 🎉🎉🎉🎉

May Your Day Be Joyful

Thank you for reading,


Have questions or need clarifications? Do not hesitate to get in touch with us via email at: [email protected] or via a private note, or a comment on this post.

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🐘🐘Please e-mail us your contact information so we can add you to our DEP Community on Whatsapp if you are not a participant yet. This invitation is open to any DEP writers.🐘🐘

With love from your editors:

Dr. Gabriella Korosi, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Dr. Preeti Singh, and Annelise Lords

If you like my writing please follow me here, Subscribe to the Medium platform using my link here, and Buy me a coffee here. My Books are available on my website here, Amazon here and Barnes and Noble here, Draft2Digital here. Gabriella on Newsbreak here.

For Our Writers Thank you for being here with us at Dancing Elephants Press and helping send positivity out to the world.

DR Rawson — The Possibilist, Joyce Nielsen, Jo An Fox-Wright Maddox, Antonis Iliakis, Dr. Preeti Singh, Trista Signe Ainsworth, Ayoub Mouhachtt, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Carrie, Cynthia A. Morgan, Cypriano Mokobia, Tunnel Books, author and creator, Francis Edwards, Filiz Özer, Christina DeFeo, Natalie Gasper, Alejandro Betancourt, Neal Lemery, Art Bram, Victoria Gregg, Jodian Marie Thomas, MS, Bsc, Asc, Sumit Kumar, Siobhan Champion, Synthia Stark, Saif Farooqi, PhD, Rane Kelze, Rahul Anand, Nimity, Nikki Waterson, B.R. Shenoy, Umme Salma, Nathalie Clair, Marrisa W., Kevin J Fellows, Kedy, E. Katherine Kottaras, Judey Kalchik, Darlene Corbett, Holly Faupel, Pius Adejumobi, Bright Okeye, Andreas D., Alex Lorenzen, Agnes Davis, Adam Nathan Wieland, Bridie D, Tamil, Carmen Micsa, Lucia Landini, CARMEN F MICSA, Juana Flor, Monoreena Acharjee Majumdar, Alan Simpson, Nada Chehade, Purbita Chakraborty, Niall Leah, Anjali Joshi, B.R. Shenoy, Suma Narayan, Karen Schwartz, Pene Hodge, Lola Rosario, Vashni Stories, Libby Shively McAvoy, Mary Vraa, Christina, Sally Prag, Bernie Pullen, Bingz Huang, Arup Purkayastha, Jennifer Dunne, Mawde Olssen, Jodie Helm, Erin M., Anaya Nosso, Barbara Cook, DesaraeBlack, Divya Goswami, Misti Lynn, Patricia Pixie❤, David Amato, Omy, Drashti Shroff, Mahein Kazi, Lalitha Brahma, Ticapo, Shev K, Amanda Payne, Amina Giselle, B A Little, Life not abrupt (L.n.a.), Aarti Tailor, Adriianna Lagorio, Amaya Island Girl, Dave Amato, , Paul Gardner, Gulsun Uluer, Janet Mary Cobb (she/her), Jielynne Barao, Jerry Pompilio, Kasturi Patra, Lillian Esther, Mohini Vats, Neera Handa Dr, Neha Sonney, Author, Patrick Parker, Pam Winter, Susie Pinon, AliB, Ron Van Fleet, Shaqib Akram, Zack Harris, Pauline Evanosky, David Stockar, Anurag Paul, Anna Boulas, Blogs by J, Sahil Patel, Deb Fiore, Pam Avila, Buddhi Ruparathna, Kerrie Gutierrez-Diaz, Allisonn Church, The Sturg, Melissa Gray, G. Hobson Goff III, Kennedie, GnanVi_Speaks, Judy Walker, Akemi Sagawa, Malini, Shubha Apte, Leonard Tillerman, From the Mountain ~ Stories & Photos of JD Adams, Sangeetha Shankar, Lswanberg, Lotus Empress, Rupa Mahanti, Doren Damico, Elin Melaas, Enne Baker, Law Of Life, NancyO, Marilyn Glover, Dr. Fatima Imam, Sanghita Pal, William J Spirdione, Hermione Wilds Writes, Benito Bartolo, NomadlandArt, Lisa Precious / Smiley Blue, Phoenix Garcia, Erika Burkhalter, Terry Day, Jenine “Jeni” Baines, Garima Sharma, James Stephens, Mike Riley, Randall Snyder, Leah Lynch, Pratik Asija, The Silent Monk, Christopher Grant, Sebastyan Papp ✨, Warren “Storyteller” Brown, Paul, Krystyna Szul, Tina 🫧 FireWolf 🔥, Every Day Life Improvement, Ravyne Hawke, Neera Handa Dr, Anthony O’Dugan, Janin Lyndovsky, Trisha Faye, Eko BP, Anu Maarit Simard, Lubna Yusuf, Sabih ul hassan, My mind, Nevena Pascaleva, Claudia G. Ciobanu, McCaylee Putney, Priyanka Priyadarshini, Linde Chen, Muhammad Nasrullah Khan, Penofgold, Anthony David Vernon, Angel Axuly, Mike Hickman, Kelli Murbach, Josh E., Michelle Jimerson Morris, Surekha Chandrasekhar, Connie Song, Indirah Ambrose, Vanita Cyril, Amna fayyaz, Dr. Tracy Davis, Douglas Lim, Gael MacLean, Maximilian G. Wolf, Heaven’s Healthy Healing, Nicole Campbell, Kaustubh Deshmukh, Vera-Marie Landi, Izzy Galantino, Rick Allen, Suzie Alexander, 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐢 [𝐡.𝐚.𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞], Chris Yanda, Justin Delay, MHA, MPH, Athena Milios, D. Almand, Audrey Malone, James Boylan, Marmotian, Nathan Chen, Bella Smith ⭐, Joan Didak, Eddie Biggins, Reginald Ben-Halliday, Nicholas Breen, A Shayens Abran, Saima Saleem, Rene Volpi Jr., JB Writes, Lewiscoaches, your name goes here

If we missed your name please let us know. If you do not want to be tagged in announcements and prompts please let us know. Thank you.

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