avatarEarnie Samuel Ngalo


I tread the forest road, where the scent of fire lingers and sirens wail - a haunting melody through the trees

The Journey Of Silence

Journeying Through Dawn: A Trail of Lingering Scent and Mournful Echoes

Illustration Created By DaVinci

In the early hours of dawn, I find myself engulfed in the solitude of my humble abode, grappling with the weight of my thoughts and the perpetual burdens I carry.

Going through moments of clarity and uncertainty, seeking forgiveness, and finding inner peace amidst the tumultuous landscape of life.

In the early hush of dawn, I pry and pry. Shoulders burdened with a heavy sigh. Alone in my thoughts, in my humble abode, I wander early, along the forest road.

The scent of fire lingers, and the sirens wail, Echoing through the trees, a mournful tale. Caught in the moment, surrounded by the admirers, I stand still, bundled in their desires.

My presence accommodates, though bloodshot in my view, I cannot feign indifference. A bright delight to you. Seeking posthumous forgiveness, I refuse to quit or tilt. Despite the heavy thuds, I cling to my quilt.

Amidst clamoring hooligans, I find my focus clear. A murky solution, yet luck whispers near. Calmness descends; I’m certain I’m calm. But minutes passed, and my heart was gripped by qualms.

Pestered and ignited by a flickering flame, A divisive view, a status to acclaim. Yet within, a candid spirit whispers idyllic dreams. Hushing persistent voices in silent streams.

In this intricate dance, I find my stride, navigating turmoil with quiet pride. Subdued challenges mount, and the voices persist. In the silence, I find solace and therein exists.

My Apple Music Playlist⬇️

https://music.apple.com/es/playlist/nagasakis-sound/pl.u-9N9LXPWs16k6e4A(Tell me what you think of it )☺️

🎶My Favourite genres include; Indie, Indie rock-pop, Alternative, Soul, and electronic.





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3 min read