The Journey
Keep driving
I am driving in the deep dark, Through the long and winding path, The night is in a drunken stupor, My mind is in need of succor.
Many have journeyed with me, and have checked themselves out, Some are still with me, but have knocked themselves out.
My duty is to carry, Who is left with me, And carry them I will, Even though I am weary.
My eyes are dripping tired, My eyelids are drooping, I too want to rest, and catch up on some sleeping.
I’d like nothing more than pulling over for some rest, Letting my body go still, Getting my mind unstressed.
But the drive must go on, No rest for the wicked, Maybe I am that too, I do know I am wicked tired.
I blink my eyes wide open, I glare at the dark path, Trying to chase the sleep away, I grip the wheel a bit hard.
Can’t see more than a few feet, What I see is enough, To keep me driving. The end may not be in sight, But the next step is, That’s what keeps me going.
I will stay on this road till it reaches its end, Or the cool dawn comes. With the first light showing more of the path, A little easier it will become.
I may not see the end, but as long as I can see more, I will keep driving. Till the road is done, Or I am done, My journey keeps flowing.
My body keeps fighting me, My mind tells me to let go. I may slow down some, but I will never stop my roll.
The end is not my goal, I have learned, The journey is what I live for. That is always in sight, So I keep driving, even in this night in drunken stupor.
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