avatarUtpal Kumar


The Intelligence Conundrum

Where does it come from — brain or consciousness?

Photo by Vie Studio from Pexels

There have been several instances when people who are declared medically dead have had experiences of sight and hearing. Medical science couldn’t explain it. The number are staggeringly high of such people and one cannot deny the fact that experiences are perceived beyond the purview of the brain.

The case of Eben Alexander

Dr. Eben Alexander is a neurosurgeon who had a near-death experience and was in a medically induced coma due to bacterial meningitis. His brain could not have perceived anything but the kind of experiences that Eben had was profound. His book “Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife” outlines the experiences he had while having the near-death experience.

Brain reflects consciousness

Whatever the state of the consciousness is reflected by the physical formation of the brain. It is not the brain that creates consciousness but consciousness that creates the brain.

Our existence is said to be formed of 5 layers:

  • Annamaya-kosha — The food sheath that forms our gross body
  • Pranamaya-kosha — The vital energy body
  • Manomaya-kosha — The mind, along with 5 sensory organs
  • Vijnanamaya-kosha — The intellect
  • Anandmaya-kosha — The bliss sheath

In the above the intellect is different from the body and if one just allows the free flow of intellect to occur then you will have automatic writing.

Automatic writing

In automatic writing, you do not put pressure on your brain to bring ideas to you. It just flows effortlessly. Though the content is mainly from the experiences stored in your brain, your fingers would just keep typing and words and sentences would be formed that will have profound meanings. The level to which automatic writing can be performed depends upon how free is the person. If there is the existence of fear then it will act as an impediment to the free flow of intellect and you will not have a writing that is in synchronicity with the higher self.

Where am I?

Earlier I was unable to write even official emails. I worked on myself and reached a state where I was able to write an article in about 3 hours. It wasn’t enough. Though my intention was not to write fast but just to remove sheaths of fear from my psyche I noticed that as I worked on clearing my mind, I was able to write effortlessly without thinking a lot about the article as such. Do I have an ego? I believe I do feel good about writing articles in under an hour now but the more I start to have pride the lesser my ability to write good articles. It’s something like you wish to get something and when you get it then you shouldn’t have any feelings of pride in it. It’s like letting it go.

Apart from being able to write effortlessly, recently I have also started feeling that even if I am under the influence of sedatives, I still am able to write freely. This brought me to this article and I have a firm belief that intelligence is beyond the purview of the brain. It comes from the higher self and just flows through us.

The more control worsens the situation

The more you want to have control over what you want to write the less the free flow of intellect. You should just work on clearing your mind of fears and guilts that are a hindrance to the free flow of intellect. The process of catharsis and refinement of the inner child are the two techniques that I employ to clear my mind of any such form of negative emotions and reprogram my subconscious with better beliefs so that my mind is free.


It goes without saying that it is the consciousness that creates reality and not the brain. The intellect is beyond the purview of the brain. Whatever the state of our consciousness the brain and the body shall reflect it. If we want to be creative then the only thing we have to do is to free our mind of any forms of fear and guilt and that’s it. The intelligence will freely flow through you and you will be able to write articles or do other creative tasks that your consciousness is inclined to do. Good luck in traversing the path to self-healing that will not just make the quality of your life better but also increase your creativity and productivity. You will then have a more fulfilling life.

Self Improvement
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