

The text emphasizes the significance of having a passion in life as a key to success and personal fulfillment.


The article discusses the importance of passion in achieving success and maintaining a positive outlook on life. It suggests that passion acts as a driving force that makes the learning process enjoyable and motivates individuals to pursue their goals, even in the face of criticism. The author reflects on their newfound passion for boating and the satisfaction derived from the continuous learning it entails. Passion is described as a personal escape from routine and stress, providing a sense of peace and focus. The text encourages readers to identify their passions and leverage them for personal advantage, highlighting that successful individuals are typically passionate about something.


  • The author believes that life's good moments pass quickly, emphasizing the need to savor every moment.
  • Enjoying the present and preparing for the future is seen as a positive approach to life's transitions.
  • The author expresses that passion makes the effort put into learning and working towards goals enjoyable and worthwhile.
  • There is a notion that passion is unique to each individual and might not be understood or shared by others.
  • The text suggests that having a passion is essential for success and can serve as a mental escape from daily life.
  • The author advises readers to keep their passions personal and to not seek validation from others.
  • The author implies that without passion, one's life might lack a sense of purpose or drive, which is crucial for success.

The importance of being passionate about something to have success in your life

Life is a never ending restart. Instead of being sad at the end of something, prepare for the next step!

Photo by W.S. Coda on Unsplash

Yep, our first boating season is almost done. Way too fast, I would say.

Have you noticed how fast good things come to pass in our lives?

It is annoying.

And don’t forget that it will not slow down as you get older; on the contrary, believe me!

That’s why we must enjoy every minute of every day.

As for our boating season, we will enjoy the last few weeks ahead and prepare the vessel for the next season.

There is some work to do, mainly esthetic jobs like wood varnishing, waxing the outside and refurbishing the dashboard. It will keep us busy for some weekends this winter.

That brings me to talk to you about the importance of having passion in your life.

Successful people have passion. They are passionate about something. It could be making money, their family, work, writing, etc. Anything can become a passion for someone.

Yes, I found myself another passion these past months in boating. The learning curve was a big part of it.

When you discover something that becomes a passion, the time spent learning everything you can about it is part of the deal, and it is not dull or hard to do. You want more!

The same thing can happen in your work, too. When you love what you do to the point that it becomes a passion, everything you do to reach your goals is far from boring. Even when the naysayers tell you otherwise, you ignore them.

Remember that what is a passion for you will not necessarily be for someone else. It is rare to find someone who has or is as passionate as us about the same thing! It is more of a personal matter.

So, keep the most of it for yourself and enjoy the solo ride.

It is hard sometimes to understand the passion someone has for something. The time and money invested in the thing are never well understood. It will not be at all, most of the time.

Having a passion in life is a backdoor for our peace of mind. That is where we can escape our daily routine.

It is where we can get out of our thoughts and focus on one thing at a time.

It is where the stress goes out of our minds.

There is no one successful who doesn’t have a passion for something.

So today, what are you passionate about?

Do you use that passion to your advantage?

If not, find one fast and use it!

Talk soon…

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