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The web content discusses the profound spiritual significance of the "Word" as a living, vibrational essence that is fundamental to human beings, the cosmos, and the nature of reality itself.


The article titled "The Human Word!" delves into the concept of the "Word" as a spiritual and metaphysical force rather than merely a linguistic entity. It posits that human beings are living manifestations of the Word, embodying multiple levels of consciousness and existence composed of vibrational energies. This perspective is rooted in ancient wisdom from traditional African, Egyptian, and Indus Valley civilizations, which understood the Word in terms of primal consciousness, cosmic laws, and the essence of the cosmos. The text explores the Dravidian concept of "Vak," the primordial consciousness expressed as a soundless sound, and its role in the genesis of Atman and the cosmos. It also draws parallels with ancient Egyptian cosmology and its deities, as well as the foundational texts of modern religions like the Bible, which echo this metaphysical understanding of the Word. The article emphasizes the qualities of the Word, such as Love and Harmony, and their significance in engendering life and aligning with the forces of nature. It criticizes the modern reduction of the Word to a mere component of language, advocating for a reawakening to its true spiritual power as a carrier of life, creativity, and mystical meaning. The text concludes by highlighting the importance of being mindful of the words we use, as they first impact our own spirit and then ripple out to others and the universe, reflecting the interconnectedness of all existence.


  • The "Word" is considered a spiritualized essence, not limited to human language but encompassing a state of continuous emanation and the primal consciousness from which the cosmos and individual beings originate.
  • Ancient civilizations, including those of Africa, Egypt, and the Indus Valley, possessed an understanding of the Word that modern societies have lost, focusing on its vibrational sentience and spiritual powers.
  • The article suggests that the teachings of these ancient civilizations are the source of the spiritual concepts found in modern religions, such as the Christian notion of the Word as described in the Bible.
  • Love and Harmony are presented as the most sacred qualities of the Word, essential for the propagation of life and the alignment with natural forces.
  • The text criticizes the contemporary view of the Word as merely a linguistic tool, urging a return to its metaphysical roots and acknowledgment of its power as a spiritual medium and carrier of life and creativity.
  • It is argued that individuals are the first consumers of their own words, and thus, the words they choose have a profound impact on their own well-being and the well-being of others, emphasizing the need for positive and life-affirming language.
  • The article concludes with the idea that the fabric of spirit and space is inherently wordless and requires the energy of Love/Harmony, represented by the Word, to manifest existence and sustain the presence of beings in the world.

The Human Word!

Explore the Spiritual Meaning of Your True Self!

The Human Being is a living Word. As the Presence of the Divine spiritual power, the human being possesses numerous levels of sentience and functions all made of living vibrations called, the “Word.”

Image, courtesy of Fábio Almeida de Oliveira Adône (Pixabay)

Thus, the meaning of the term Word is not confined to the linguistic field of human languages. A Word is a spiritualized essence or sentience in a constant state of emanation (i.e. movement). It is the Primal Consciousness in a continuous mode of differentiation, giving rise to the Cosmos and beings in the lower planes of reality.

The Ancient Word This is an ancient Wisdom first understood by the traditional African, Egyptian, and Indus Valley civilizations. In fact, the most sacred knowledge and writings of all these civilizations deal exclusively with the modes, powers, functions, and qualities of vibrational sentience of the Word in the form of Will/Creativity, Sound/Power, Cosmic Laws, Imagination, Mind, Emotions, and physical Presence.

In Dravidian cosmology, the Primal Word is defined as Vak — a soundless sound (Sabda) of primordial Consciousness in a state of Unity, called Sabda-Brahman. It is from this plane of non-Self awareness that we get the first movement (Nada), which eventually gives birth to Atman as the presence of the Word as Power (Shakti).

These words describe states and qualities of Self-awareness and the nature of reality. Within this context, the Word is not only the source of beings and but also the essence of the Cosmos and its continuous genesis/emanations.

The same Dravidian spiritual map is found in ancient Egyptian cosmology with its pantheon of Word beings: Nun, Amun, Atum, Ausar, Auset, Tahuti, Ma’at, and so on.

The Source of Modern Religions These teachings, in turn, gave birth to the modern spiritual Word or Gods of our religions: El, Yavneh, Elohim, Christ (KRST), Allah, and so on.

Thus, it is said in the Bible: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” This might be new to the Christian world, however, the Bible is merely referencing a metaphysical Wisdom long known and documented by the ancient civilizations of the Egypt and Indus Valley (India).

Qualities of the Word There are numerous qualities to the Word or spiritual powers. Of these, Love and Harmony are the most sacred, given their capacity to engender Life and propel its energy into existence.

Love is the essence of the Desire of existence, while Harmony is the lawful propagation of Life energy or the archetypal pattern of the latter’s essence. Thus, to be in a state of Love is to be in perfect Harmony with Life and the Forces of Nature!

This is the reason why both ancient Egyptians and Dravidians emphasized the use of contemplation/meditation and tantric practices as modalities to raise spiritual awareness to its highest levels of potentiality or enlightenment — Love.

The Metaphysical Word Our current civilization entirely missed the metaphysical forces inherent to the Word. By reducing the “Word” to a mere meaning-carrier element in languages, we destroyed our perceptions of its meta-energies, the living awareness or sentience within the Word. What was once divinity and power became, to the human mind, a mere utilitarian verb, noun, pronoun, adjectives, and so on.

However, Word (s) are not just building blocks of languages. They are spiritual mediums of awareness transference. They are carriers of Life, vitality, creativity, power, and the mystical essence of meaning from a higher archetypal dimension of Knowing to the lower planes of our mind and the senses. A wave containing living information and knowledge, Words are sonic forms of higher essences of soundless Spirit and its Wisdom.

Metaphysically, Words are sonic genes that carry living frequencies into the Spirit; then to the meaning-giving mind/heart functions, and finally to the living field of Space, DNA, and our cells.

In essence, Words are primal vibrations that shape our Spirit and the very essence of our being. Thus, in writing, we speak first to the Spirit, then to its functions — mind, imagination, emotions; and, lastly to its body and the greater Space. The All is a living sound — a Divine Word!

Propagation of Words By the time a Word is heard by the ear, it has traveled the entire structures of our Spirit and Space, respectively. If one pays close attention to the propagation of words, one will notice that our words are first heard in the mind before they are uttered and perceived by our ear. And, before it can be heard, it must propagate through Space, which means that words travel through the Spiritual plane and Space before they can reach another sentient being.

Ultimately, we are always the first consumers of our own words and their inherent energies. Space is the second consumer; the third consumer are other sentient beings.

The Power of Words It is critically important that we become aware of the power of our words and how they impact us. We are the first benefactors/victims of our own words! Thus, the reason why we must focus on sharing positive and Life-enabling words with ourselves and others.

Every time we empower another sentient being or Nature, we are empowering our Spirit and its functions. Similarly, every time we dis-empower another sentient form, including Nature, we are destroying our own capacity to propel Life.

Be Kind to Yourself! Speak in words of kindness and compassion to yourself. Choose your words carefully. They are the vibrations sustaining your healthy mind, heart, and the functions of your DNA.

Words are the living essences of our Spirit and the information field we call Space.

Yet, the fabric of both Spirit and Space are wordless — silent. They require the primal Love and Harmony — the Word — in order to become existent. Consequently, we as Primal Spirit also require the energy of Love/Harmony in order to sustain our own presence in the World.

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P.S. Note the minute difference between the words, “Word” and “World.” This is not coincidental. It is Primal.

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