The Hero Rises and The Hero Falls
Our internal shadows play out in the world

Carl Jung Speaking About War Said:
“In detail, The authoritarian principle (taking action on the basis of principles) clashes with the emotional principle. The collective unconscious enters into allegiance with the emotional. Concerning the hero, the beloved figure of the people, should fall. All heroes bring themselves down by carrying the heroic attitude beyond a certain limit, and hence lose their footing.”
(MAP, vol. 2, pg. 10), Red book-Reader page 156, footnote 102.
As the world increasingly intrudes into our daily lives, we are forced to face the externalization of our inner shadows.
As we project our inner darkness into the world, we must understand that what we see lives inside each of us.
When we do not bring to our awareness our inner darkness, it will always manifest as an outer event. Our internal polarizations, judgments, victim patterns, scarcity mentalities, need for control and recognition externalize into a chaotic and dangerous world.
Jung specifically spoke about how we project the need for a hero onto others.
Heros are polarizing figures driven by emotional states. It is true people can do heroic acts by accident or spontaneously, such as rescuing someone from a burning house.
The act of raising someone to hero status and he embraces this role leads to a polarizing situation.
Eventually, a hero will call for more and more allegiance to his cause by projecting dire and catastrophic results if they are not heeded.
We act out our shadows in the world because we refuse to understand what is hidden within us.
Light and dark MUST BE integrated and healed.
We have no idea what it means to be whole. We fear to go into the depths of our darkness, into the pits of our hell and face our inner demons. So we remain fragmented.
I have been in my hell; it has taken many years to integrate what I found. I am still working on wholeness. Jung also went into his hell. We have to find the courage to see what we fear and reject.
If we don’t know our inner fears, look around in the outer world. We project everything inside us out into the world, creating this reality.
Look at events that are happening and take them deep inside. Become one with the dark thoughts and actions you see in the world.
Let the darkness pass into you and awaken you to yourself.
Awakening and enlightenment cannot happen without directly knowing what you hide away judging as unacceptable, evil, or dangerous.
What inner rejection of reality sparked the manifestation of the Newage?
Was it a hero complex of being a great Light Being from another planet or angel that was more evolved? Was it a rebellion against authority?
The ego's concept of goodness will always fail— the hero will always fall. The world does not need heroes. It needs awakened and integrated people.
While Higher Consciousness flows through people in this world, we must also integrate and become whole. In our wholeness, advanced skills and abilities arise to express in the world.
As Avatars of our I AM Creator, we are tasked to awaken all that is within us. We are here to face our illusions and false beliefs.
We cannot 'ascend' as long as we battle within ourselves, as long as a part of ourselves lives unawakened. We must embrace everything.
In embracing the outer darkness, we open the doorway to the hell within and see the truth of our judgments and false programming. This action is very healing.
Guilt, shame, rejection, victimization are at the heart of our darkness. It is why we have addictions.
Cast out of paradise, rejected by so-called goodness, punished, humiliated, enslaved, and killed by the outer world — we have a long history to overcome.
Higher Consciousness and Higher Intelligent Thought Realities do not have this reality.
More advanced realities do not have internal fragmentation where we censor, punish, and destroy ourselves.
To be whole is to honor the body we have been given, to honor our Creator. Who in their wisdom trusted us to live in this reality and to find ways to integrate and remove the illusions of separation.