avatarRuby Lee


The Haunted Mansion Mystery

You mean we have to live here?

Photo by Peter Herrmann on Unsplash

Chapter One

Slam! The car door shut behind 15-year-old Lisa Jones after she climbed out of her dad’s rusty Toyota.

After taking a few moments to stretch after her long ride in the cramped car, she took a good look around at her surroundings. Her eyes opened wide in amazement as she stared at the house in front of her. It was a Southern-style mansion with four columns across the front. If it had been in good repair, it could easily have been in that old movie her mother used to like to watch . . . What was it called? Oh yeah . . . Gone with the Wind.

The outside must have been painted white once, but now it was a mess of rotten boards and bare wood under peeling paint. Vines were climbing the columns and covering the front windows.

The house was surrounded by an overgrown yard. The grass was as high as her waist in some places. The house was obviously abandoned and had been for some time.

Lisa was confused. What was this place, and why were they there? Her dad had told them that they were going to visit some old friends for the day. Who could be living in this house? In its current condition, it looked like the perfect setting for a horror movie.

Before she could think of anything to say, a small hand gripped her arm. Lisa turned to look down at her 13-year-old sister. For once in her life, Laura Jones was speechless. Lisa had never seen her sister without words before, but at this moment, she certainly was. Her mouth had formed a perfect “o,” and her eyes were as wide as saucers.

Lisa had been responsible for protecting Laura ever since their mothers’ death from cancer three years ago. She looked with concern at her little sister, who had her brown curly hair held back with a bow. She was dressed in the best fashion a discount store could offer. Lisa noticed that Laura was chewing the blue nail polish off her fingernails, which was sure that she was upset.

Lisa was also feeling a little upset about this unexpected situation. She didn’t bother to chew on her own nails because she had already bitten them down to their nub. Lisa’s brown hair hung in long curly strands down her sweaty back because she had lost her hair tie.

Since the Toyota didn’t have a working air conditioner, the wind from the open windows had blown her hair into a tangled mess. Lisa grimaced to herself as she thought of how long it would take to brush those tangles out. But that seemed to be the least of her problems right now.

The driver’s-side car door finally opened, and both girls turned to watch their father get out of the car. Lisa was the first to speak.

“Dad!” Lisa’s voice was shaky. “What is this place? Why are we here? Are we supposed to visit someone? It doesn’t look like anyone lives here at all.”

“Yeah,” said Laura. “This place is horror movie creepy. I hope we don’t have to go in that old house. There might be ghosts or zombies or something even worse in there.”

“Well, girls — ” Derek Jones smiled widely and winked at them. But, then, he said, “Someone does live here, and you’ll never guess who!”

He looked at them expectantly. Both girls stared blankly back at him.

“No guesses?” He grinned at them again. “Well, that someone is us! This place is our new home! Isn’t it magnificent? Surprise!”

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