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The undefined website announces the 2099 Global Peace Summit, where world powers commit to nuclear disarmament, peace, and the establishment of the United Nations of Earth (UNE) with a focus on global unity and freedom of movement for all humanity.


In a historic move, the United Nations of Earth (UNE) has organized the Global Peace Summit in Cairo, Egypt, for December 2099, aiming to end all conflicts and initiate a new era of global peace. The summit marks the dismantling of nuclear arsenals by the world's major military powers, who have pledged to adhere to the principles of love and unity outlined in the Global Peace Principle (GPP). The UNE, with its reformed Security Council granting veto powers to all member nations, will oversee the transition to a non-nuclear defense system and the resolution of disputes through diplomatic channels. The summit also introduces the Freedom Of Movement Act (FOMA), ensuring the right of every individual to live and move freely on Earth, facilitating global trade, education, and cultural exchange. This initiative represents a significant shift from centuries of conflict and inequality, heralding a future of happiness, cooperation, and peace for humanity.


  • The article conveys a strong optimism for the future, emphasizing that the historical pattern of empires rising and falling due to violence and subjugation is coming to an end.
  • There is a clear stance against racial and ethnic tensions, advocating for the recognition of all humans as sacred and deserving of compassion and equal opportunities.
  • The author believes in the transformative power of the UNE and its Global Peace Principle to create a world where peace is not imposed by force but achieved through mutual respect and cooperation.
  • The Freedom Of Movement Act is presented as a groundbreaking law that will fundamentally change human society by allowing people to live and work wherever they choose, fostering global unity and cultural understanding.
  • The author calls for active participation from the global community, inviting readers to share their ideas for peace and promising to incorporate these into future articles in the series.

The Global Peace Summit — Year 2099!

A Peace Plan To Save Earth and Humanity!

New York, NY — October 14, 2099

The United Nations of Earth (UNE) officially announces a Global Peace Summit (The Summit) between nuclear powers, the United States of America, Europe, Russia, China, India, Iran, Israel, North Korea, Japan, Turkey, Egypt, and South Africa, calling for immediate secession of all conflicts in Middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America!

Image, courtesy of Gordon Johnson (Pixabay)

The Summit, scheduled for December 2099 — on the eve of the second century of the new millennium — will be held at the foot of the Great Pyramid of Giza, Cairo, Egypt.

The End of Nuclear Weapons The leading military nations of the world have jointly dismantled their respective nuclear arsenals and committed themselves to the United Nations of Earth’s Global Peace Principle (GPP) of Love and Unity.

In an effort to save Earth, the moon, and Mars from complete destruction, nations have given up their weapons and adopted a peaceful and cooperative stance towards each other, while promoting a safe and peaceful exploration of space.

During The Summit, all former nuclear countries will provide verifiable proof of disarmament in order to rejoin the newly reformed United Nations, the UNE — an equal membership global organization charged with maintaining global peace. Unlike its previous charter, the UNE features a democratic non-favorable nations status with all member nations enjoying veto powers as automatic members of the UNE’s reformed Security Council.

Under the leadership of UNE and its mandate to transform Earth into a beacon of Peace, all nations of the world have committed themselves to a non-nuclear defense system, whereby future disputes are to be resolved via diplomatic means through the agency of UNE. All military actions, taken without the approval of UNE members constitute a serious violation of the GPP mandate and carry significant economic sanctions.

A Hopeful World of Peace After centuries of escalating conflicts and 2 millennia of unending wars, the world’s leading economic and military powers have finally realized that Peace cannot be imposed by fear, threat, economic subjugation or political manipulation. Human history provides ample proof that all nations and empires founded on the principle of violence and subjugation of others eventually fall on the weight of their own karma. Such is the case of Persia, Greece, Rome, the United Kingdom, Japan, and the United States, all of which, once dominated the world and now are working for global peace and harmony.

Also gone are the days of racial and ethnic tensions. All humanity is now embraced as sacred and worthy of love and compassion. Centuries of slavery, discrimination, economic subjugation, and hostilities have been completely dismantled and replaced with kindness and a global effort to uplift every single member of the human community. Humanity is poised to experience her greatest happiness and joy as we march forward into the next century!

Freedom of Movement Lastly, The Summit will officially inaugurate one of the most forward-thinking laws ever imagined in human history: The Freedom Of Movement Act (FOMA). A central pillar of the Global Peace Summit, FOMA recognizes the primal right of every human being to live on Earth. As the first Article of UNE, adopted by all member nations, FOMA guarantees that all human beings have an unalienable right to live wherever they choose.

As a result of this global law, nations have implemented a no-visa entry system, allowing people to travel freely and live in whatever country they desire. Thus, instead of locking their citizens within their official borders, nations have opted to open their borders to citizens of other nations and cooperate with each other to develop the capacity of every human through life-long education, flexible employment, free health care, and cultural sensitivity training.

Also included in the FOMA initiative is the free movement of goods, services, and capital, allowing Earth citizens to trade, invest, and share their knowledge and technology on a global scale.

In summary, The Global Peace Summit promises to be a civilization-changing event. Ushering in a new era of human cooperation, The Summit guarantees the continual existence of Earth and the entire solar system for future generations of humanity by eliminating all nuclear weapons and their waste products from existence. Additionally, The Summit will deliver new initiatives designed to liberate the creative energy of every citizen of Earth, fostering free movement, investment, education, and the well-being of all peoples.

We are at the cusp of the New Century and stand ready to forge a new path of Peace — a path of free cooperation between peoples and nations.

May the 2nd century of the new millennium be filled with Love, Peace, and Freedom for All of humanity.

Disclosure & Invitation:

I have worked for Peace and National reconciliation in Angola, Mozambique, Guiné Bissau, and other nations of Africa through music and special events.

This is a Global Peace idea initiative — a series of articles exploring all the Best Ideas for a Peaceful and Abundant Future. I urge you to share your own Ideas in the comment section below. I promise to consider them in the next article in the series!

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