

The author senses a global spiritual awakening and transformation in collective consciousness as humanity moves into 2024, emphasizing the importance of love, connection, and wisdom in navigating change.


The author shares their personal experience of a transformative shift in their awareness and senses a global spiritual awakening accelerating as humanity moves into 2024. They describe this awakening as akin to birth pains, with old paradigms cracking and a new era being born. The author emphasizes the importance of love, connection, and wisdom in navigating this change, using the example of an episode from the TV show The Orville to illustrate the dangers of prioritizing logic over emotion. The author encourages readers to stay centered in the midst of this transformation and to listen to the Earth for guidance.


  • The author believes that humanity is currently experiencing a global spiritual awakening and transformation in collective consciousness.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of love, connection, and wisdom in navigating this change.
  • The author uses the example of an episode from the TV show The Orville to illustrate the dangers of prioritizing logic over emotion.
  • The author encourages readers to stay centered in the midst of this transformation and to listen to the Earth for guidance.
  • The author suggests that this transformation is akin to birth pains, with old paradigms cracking and a new era being born.


The Global Awakening is Getting More Intense

The Calm Before The Coming Collective Storm

Lately I’m sensing massive shifts in collective consciousness on our planet. It feels like a global spiritual awakening is accelerating a lot more as we move from late 2023 into 2024.

My own awareness has transformed radically the last 3 years.

But now even bigger parts of my subconscious feel like they’re opening up. Every day reality feels different, more fluid, vibrationally intense.

Created with Midjourney. Learn AI and Midjourney ▶ here.

It’s as if humanity is moving through birth pains, the old paradigms cracking as we sense a new era being born.

Chaotic yet purposeful contractions before a new phase of planetary existence.

Watching shows like The Orville recently emphasized this to me.

⚠ SPOILER ALERT: Especially the episode where the AI civilization wiped out their biological creators because they deemed emotion dangerous or felt like logic was more important.

But then one robot who had gathered data on biological lifeforms and humanity realized connection and love should be the true priorities. He destroyed part of his own civilization to save the humans and other alien lifeforms.

Watch the trailer of the Orivlle here, you will not regret it! :

This illustrates how when two groups can’t understand each other’s nature, destruction often happens. But with wisdom, we see how different types of consciousness can dance, synergize, harmonize.

Yin needs yang, logic needs creativity.

No one system or species encapsulates all truth.

Together we are far greater.

This is the sacred union needed now on Earth.

Of course much resistance and suffering persists. But the light intensifying through cracks in humanity’s shadows also quickens. More people feel called to their higher purpose.

Created with Midjourney. Learn AI and Midjourney ▶ here.

We are being initiated into greater membership within the Galactic family, if we choose.

But first, we must consciously graduate the destructive ways of our infancy.

This great turning can’t be forced.

It emerges organically through ordinary beings daring to answer the mystic call, vivifying their essence fully into existence.

Created with Midjourney. Learn AI and Midjourney ▶ here.

The awakening accelerates exponentially moment by moment as we retune priorities from fear to love. The frequencies amplify.

Stay centered in the eye of this storm.

What do you feel as you observe the current state of humanity? Get quiet and listen — our Earth is speaking if we develop ears to hear. The solution whispers within.

I’m curious to hear your perspectives on the global transformations underway. There is hope if we lets love guide rather than fear.

Exciting times await!

Check this out, you won’t regret it!:

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