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The Free World: How to Lose a War, Make Friends and Protect Your Enemies

From the US/UN Playbook


Current Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu stated today that the focus of Israel is to destroy Hamas, the terrorist organization that attacked Israel out of Gaza. Citing, as part of his reasoning, are the hundreds of murdered Israelis during the attack on Israel.

Soldiers going door-to-door in the towns that border Gaza after the invasion found the elderly, children, teens, and babies and entire families to be victims of atrocities.

Girls and women had been raped and their throats slit.

Babies had been decapitated.

Children and adults were shot and killed at close range, some while still sleeping in their beds.

At a music festival, there were hundreds of atrocities, from youngsters gunned down to being burned alive in vehicles.

The elderly were murdered, with some terrorized, and then shot in the head.

This above was part of the description given by Netanyahu before stating that Hamas would be “wiped from the face of the earth” for these horrific attacks against Jews. And rightly so. What took so long?

When Ukraine was attacked by Russia, the Ukrainian Jewish President Zelenski pleaded to the world for help. He specifically asked for Israel to help their Jewish neighbors and pleaded specifically for the Israeli “Iron Dome” to protect against missile attacks. They refused. Israel has historically not taken sides in wars. Yet…

Over the past two years, Ukrainian Jews numbering nearly 200,000 in total have fought for Ukraine, had their places of worship bombed, homes and businesses destroyed, and their children among the over 20,000 Ukrainian children kidnapped and stolen away, the young girls raped and murdered.

While Israel turned a deaf ear and a blind eye to the pleas of Ukraine for its Iron Dome defensive weaponry, they sent humanitarian aid such as food and water to Kyiv, and they allowed some Ukrainian Jews into Israel, but they have refused to “take sides” in the conflict. That aside, secretly, Israel had military special forces in Ukraine training Ukrainian soldiers.

Now there are two wars, both with atrocities committed that are unimaginable to the rest of the civilized world. Atrocities committed in Israel are the same as have been committed in Ukraine over the past few years, including the beheading of humans, kidnapping of children, and the rape and murder of women, young girls, and the elderly.

Those committing these atrocities protect each other. One is a nation and one is a terrorist organization. Yet there are no differences between the two in our world today. Russia is simply a larger terrorist organization than Hamas. Putin, the leader of Russia, controls more land and commands more money and power.

Both Russia and Hamas are part of a league of terrorists in the Middle East that includes Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and others. They support each other and protect each other.

The US now voices strong support for Israel, siting these barbaric atrocities. Yet, the United States has refused or slow-walked military aid to Ukraine that could have potentially ended that war, even though the atrocities mentioned are identical. That is the difference in this world between a nation of terrorists (Russia, Syria, Iran) and a terrorist organization (Hamas, Red Guard, Taliban).

Israel avoided involvement in Ukraine, in part because there are Jews, relatives of Jews, and friends of Jews in Russia. Yet Gaza, which is home to over 2 million Palestinians, is being bombed into dust, while there are thousands of Israelis in cities bordering Gaza who have friends and relatives in Gaza. They are now known as collateral damage, according to one Israeli commander on television.

The US Playbook: How to Lose a War, Make Friends and Protect Your Enemies

Lose a War — The United States has lost every war they have been involved in over the past several decades. Not a single “war” was declared war. We have spent years winning battles, and years later, nothing has changed. As with Afghanistan. The United States has either left in place or failed to replace the very regimes our soldiers died fighting.

Make Friends — We have declared totalitarian regimes that mistreat, murder, and jail their citizens as friends or “working partners”. We needed Venezuelan oil. If they have something we need, just as with Israel and Russia, we remain on somewhat friendly, or “diplomatic”, terms. We don’t rock the boat if we need their computer chips or their oil.

Protect Your Enemies — Just as Israel refused to rock their boat while witnessing Russia’s onslaught against the Ukrainian people, they kicked the can down the road regarding Hamas in Gaza. By not defeating Hamas permanently and by allowing them to remain in Gaza, they, in essence, were protecting their enemy.

In fact, every terrorist organization known by the US that we have gone to war against remains.

The US Playbook — The US has refused to protect democratic countries from the other “super powers”, while defending the world against terrorist organizations. This is a decades-old pattern.

The United States belongs to a group (The United Nations) structured (no matter what anyone says) to protect the world’s superpowers (Russia, China, and the US), not people.

Fact: Russia currently heads the UN “Security Council”

  • while they ransack Africa, murdering villagers and forcing the rest to mine gold and diamond deposits,
  • bomb Ukraine into oblivion, and
  • carpet bombing Syrian refugees fighting the Assad regime in Syria.

Assad and Syria are just more terrorists. He has gassed and bombed millions of his own people. And the world just watches as Russia protects him.

Either the free world decides to end terrorism in this world, or they decide to protect terrorism and live with it, fighting battles but losing the wars. Nothing will change until this does. A good start would allow Ukraine to be allowed to fight on an even playing field.

Benjamin Netanyahu stated today he can’t allow Hamas to remain, and he can’t restrict his battle with Hamas, so he will continue bombing them in Gaza because “that is what war means”. Interestingly, the United States doesn’t have that same outlook with Ukraine, banning the sale and use of jets and missiles that would reach into the home of the invader, Russia. You see, this is NOT what war means.

But explain that to Zelenski in Ukraine. He’s not allowed to bomb the Russian terrorists who have committed the exact same atrocities as Hamas. But Israel can. The difference between terrorists with land and lots of money, and oil, and terrorist organizations supported financially by terrorist nations we protect.

From The Mountain
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