avatarChristina Sponias


The First Amazing Warning I Had in a Dream

And my ridiculous attitude because at that time I didn’t know how to interpret dreams with Jung’s method.

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When I was traveling in Greece as a tourist with my mother I started dating a Greek, although I thought about returning to Brazil where I lived and studying at the college where I was admitted.

As my parents were Greek, I learned to speak Greek from birth, although I couldn’t speak complicated words.

My boyfriend was very friendly and intelligent and taught me many things.

We were too young. I was 18-years-old and he was 23. We laughed a lot, talked a lot, and traveled a lot.

He had countless friends. We went out every day. It was all so much fun.

He was affectionate and took care of me, protected me, bought me gifts, and was my slave.

However, one day I had a strange dream that worried me.

In the dream, someone told me that later he would not love me anymore.

At that time I was ignorant and knew nothing about the meaning of dreams.

As I didn’t understand the importance of the dream warning, I simply told him about the dream I had. He laughed saying, “Don’t worry. Of course, I will love you always. Do not be afraid.”

He thought I had that dream because I feared he wouldn’t love me later, but I never imagined that could happen.

A lot of people think that dreams reflect our fears and worries, but I wasn’t worried at all at the time and I didn’t even know if I would continue dating him or if I would return to Brazil where I used to live and never see him again.

In fact, all dreams are produced by the unconscious mind that gives us valid information about everything that is important to us, trying to preserve our mental health.

I should have heeded the warning I got, but I had no idea what would happen to me, besides ignoring the importance of dreams.

False Impressions

I liked my Greek boyfriend because he was very smart and kind and I liked to talk to him. However, I didn’t love him. Something attracted me a lot about him, but it wasn’t love.

He liked me, but he probably didn’t love me either. He saw that I was naive and that I belonged to a higher social class than he did. Therefore, he thought I would help him move up in life.

Our courtship was good when we were free and young, but everything changed when our relationship became more serious.

What Happened Later

When I returned to my homeland I saw that the situation in the country was terrible because there were many robberies, especially in Sao Paulo where I lived. My parents had separated and my mother and I were living alone, without any protection.

I was robbed as soon as I returned to Sao Paulo, and I saw that the situation in my city was very bad.

A good friend of mine became psychotic, which saddened me a lot and was another reason why I didn’t want to live in Brazil anymore.

My Brazilian ex-boyfriend had changed a lot and I didn’t want to date him anymore. I feared that if I stayed in Brazil I would end up dating him again, which I knew was not a good idea.

Even before I traveled to the US and then to Greece, we were always fighting and then dating again, in a vicious circle. I thought it would be best to get away from him at once.

My Greek boyfriend called me from Greece every day, telling me to go back to Athens. He even told me that he would send me the ticket so that I could travel back.

My many Greek relatives also told me that it would be better if my mother and I would move to Greece.

So, I ended up deciding to do this, as much as I loved my homeland and didn’t want to abandon it.

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Changes After Marriage

I returned to Greece and ended up marrying my Greek boyfriend. At first, everything was very good, like when we were free, but as soon as my mother-in-law passed away, his behavior changed completely.

It looks like he lost ground under his feet by losing his mother.

He who was always good-natured and friendly became aggressive, demanding, and just complained about everything.

He stopped being kind and loving. We started to fight frequently.

However, I was pregnant, and I thought I should be patient for our son’s sake and because I understood that I should give him my support in the difficult situation he was in after he lost his mother.

I verified that the prediction of the dream I had before I got married was correct, but I didn’t understand it until it was too late.

The Solution

I was very nervous and depressed about everything that had happened to me, especially because a young cousin of mine passed away at the age of 18 three days before my mother-in-law passed away.

I started reading several books on psychology and became very interested in dream interpretation. I studied various methods until I understood that only Carl Jung’s method helped me understand my psychological problems and change my behavior.

So, I learned to value dream messages. I never again had the ridiculous attitude I had when I was ignorant.

I ended up separating from my husband and following another path.

I helped many people through the interpretation of dreams and I even simplified Jung’s complicated method.

I could not avoid making a serious mistake that could have been avoided if I had respected the warning I had before marrying the wrong person, but I have undoubtedly managed to avoid many other mistakes thanks to the wise dream messages.

Now you know that the meaning of dreams is very important and that only Carl Jung managed to discover the right method of dream interpretation. So, pay attention to your dreams and learn how to interpret their meaning the right way.

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