avatarTom Handy


The Economy Sucks — Do This 1 Absurd Thing Immediately

Don’t expect President Biden to save you this time.

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Your pay sucks when you compare it to what you’re paying at your local grocery store. Even prices at McDonald’s aren’t cheap anymore.

Fast food prices are almost as bad as gourmet dining.

If you’re waiting for a lifesaver from President Joe Biden, keep wishing because it won’t happen. Another stimulus check won’t happen unless your state approves a measly couple hundred dollars.

The federal government can barely pass a spending bill that they keep kicking down the road hoping someone comes up with a new idea. It’s a shame as countries look at the circus this country is running.

Congress recently passed a spending bill, but it’s only good for two months until they come up with a better plan. That’s the same as a person trying to stretch their budget for another two months, but since you can’t print money, it could be 30 days or less.

You could try day trading, but that is very risky and you’ll likely lose whatever savings you have.

Then there’s the Power Ball lottery so you can become an instant millionaire…

Sorry, but you’ll have much better luck stuffing your mattress with your money. At least it will be guaranteed to be there in a week or two. With the lottery, you could consider giving away money that you’ll never see again.

The next few years won’t get any easier. It’ll only get harder.

Some people have dipped into their retirement accounts. You know, the money you saved for retirement.

Once you do this, it will be hard to recoup what you’ve invested all those years.

Not only are you struggling now, but your future could be in for another scary ride.

I’m not here to scare you. But I want to shed some light. The government will not save you again.

It was great to get the stimulus money during the pandemic. But another round is unlikely.

The world is going through a unique situation.

Not only did the pandemic go away, for the most part. Russia decided to attack Ukraine. This puts more strain on available microchips and the other one, you feel at the gas pump.

Gas reserves.

Ukraine has the second-largest gas reserve in Europe. It doesn’t appear Russia is slowing down its effort to take over the country.

Then Hamas attacked Israel which only added more strain and resources directed to fight this war.

You would think things were getting better, but they were only getting worse.

For about a year, many cities were spending money supporting immigrants who made their way to America. The government provided some funds but not enough. Politics is a sticking point as these new immigrants are in limbo waiting to work legally.

The Biden administration is letting state and local governments fend for themselves. Remember, Biden is running for re-election in 2024.

Not wishing to turn this into a political post, but the government does not care about you or me. They are too busy dealing with more important issues.

That’s why you need to take care of #1. You.

This can’t be done unless you make some drastic changes in your life. If you’re hoping 2024 will be better, I wouldn’t expect many changes unless you’ve planned for it.

Waiting until 2024 to make changes is too late. You need to make the changes today.

With jobs available, maybe you might have to pick up a part-time job.

Maybe this is the right time to start that side hustle you’ve envisioned for years.

You may not have wanted to go this route, but times are tough. Unless you decide to work harder on yourself, no one is going to give you anything.

Once you get through the next few years, you should also keep these in mind.

  • put more money aside
  • buy what you need and not what you want
  • create a budget and stick to it
  • pay down high-interest debt
  • invest more
  • live within your means
  • hang around people smarter than you

Every few years, the economy experiences pain. Remember 9/11 and then the Global Recession.

This really means you’ll feel the brunt of it. It will be a new pain, but the symptoms are usually the same.

Money is tight.

Prices are high.

The change can take days or months to happen, so you need to be ready.

You can’t change your situation fast, so you need to be prepared. Having a good savings account built up will prepare you for the worst.

You can’t always rely on the government to bail you out this time or next time.

What are you doing differently to get through the next few years?

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