avatarTesie Mills


The Drive-Thru Epiphany

Unraveling Life’s Purpose

Image made by Tesie Mills in Leonardo.ai

As the morning sun ascended, casting a warm glow on the Dunkin’ Donuts drive-thru, I found myself reminiscing about the charming festival I had attended with my mom the previous day. It had been a delightful gathering, teeming with creative individuals who showcased their artistic talents on tables draped in vibrant fabrics.

As we meandered from one booth to another, I observed that some of these gifted artists appeared rather introverted. They seemed to avoid eye contact or fidget uneasily, as if they wished to remain unnoticed. This was a feeling I could relate to, having navigated my teenage years and a large part of my adult life weighed down by anxiety.

Did I mention this is a true story?

Nevertheless, that day, I reveled in the empowering presence of my mother — my best friend, my confidante. Her unwavering support made me feel as if I could conquer the world. I harnessed this newfound self-assurance and extended it to the bashful artists we came across, engaging them in conversation and praising their creations.

Hi Mom! (In case your reading)

Sitting in the drive-thru, I couldn’t help but smile. I realized that, by reaching out to these artists, I might have eased their apprehension and brought a little light to their day. Oh, how I wished someone had offered me that same kindness during my younger years. Yet, my journey had led me to this point, where I could now uplift others with a gentle word and a warm smile.

The white car ahead of me beeped, and the woman at the wheel waved, her face framed by a baseball cap and sunglasses. She drove off, her gesture lingering in my thoughts. I pulled up to the window, intending to pay for my breakfast, only to discover that the kind stranger had already taken care of it.

April 22nd, 8:45am North Kingstown, RI Was it you?

A sense of gratitude swelled within me. The woman, my unexpected earth angel, had unknowingly validated the importance of my epiphany — a pivotal moment in the ongoing quest to define my life’s purpose. With the sun climbing higher in the sky, my heart brimmed with love for the world and the boundless possibilities that lay ahead.

Thank you kind stranger, I will pay it forward!

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Acts Of Kindness
Life Purpose
Pay It Forward
Good Vibes Club
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