avatarWillow Reed


The divine sent me you

I have never experienced a love like this.

Photo by Jitesh Bilunia on Unsplash

These cycles of bliss, triggering and separation only made me stronger and it was all possible because the divine sent me you.

They bestowed a love that turns the sky a soft shade of pink when parting the curtains for the morning to bring me the sun.

A love that cradles the sacred vibration, igniting my soul to the infinite possibilities of the universe.

A love that I traveled through time to find, but I watched as you stood bewildered when I reached out a hand you weren’t ready to hold.

A love that is transcendent beyond comprehension, my soulmates do not compare to the frequency of your eternal being.

A love that I am too afraid to touch, that is too intense to think about, but is all that I crave.

A love that I yearn to make love to and release the sexual tension, soaking the sheets in the memory of your existence.

The divine sent me you as it was time to step into my power, it was time to radiate unconditional love, it was time to raise the vibration of the planet and ascend to a higher consciousness now, this is all because you taught me how to love unconditionally, my beautiful poptart twin.

I love you!💖

Divine Feminine
Divine Masculine
Twin Flame
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