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The Day the Sun Won the Case

Some days are just totally worth getting up early for

Dolls Point, Sydney, sunrise. Photo by Sal Gallaher

Random drabble challenge — word is ‘PROXY’.

A drabble consists of exactly 100 words. The read time is short. Please remain with the article for at least 30 seconds.

It was pitch black when I woke. After a broken sleep, all I wanted to do was turn over and close my eyes. I looked at my mobile. 5.56am! Quickly checked the weather app, promising another glorious day. Sunrise at 7.05am.

I lay there doing the pros and cons in my head like an imaginary court case. Then my bladder beckoned me and before I knew it, the lure of a beautiful sunrise had won the judge over.

The hues of that brilliant ball in the sky were magnificent.

Thank God, I didn’t send in a proxy as a witness.

Evidence for the case :-)

Sunrise Easter Monday , photo by Sal Gallaher

Thank you to Nancy Oglesby for this challenge.

Check out this beautiful story about sharing by Rick Allen 💕

Thank you for reading till the end.

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Photo by Hanny Naibaho on Unsplash

© Sal Gallaher 2024. All rights reserved.

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