

The Day I Was Born, Again!

The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed." - Jiddu Krishnamurti.

Photo by Sean Oulashin on Unsplash

It was a strange but warm winter day,

In February,

It started like any other day but with a slight difference.

I had woken up with excitement

’Cos I was expecting someone

Unbeknownst to me,

It was about to become a whole new day for me.

I remember walking down to the train station

To get my guest

Consciously soaking in the warm

And sunny winter’s weather

’Cos sooner or later, the real pangs of winter would bite

She was there at the train station waiting, an angel in disguise.

When we got back home, she sat on the sofa

While I offered her some ‘kola’,

We sat and talked, we talked about several things

But especially ‘us’

She spoke with a clear confidence, strength, and audacity

Such that I had never seen in a woman,

I was impressed.

She is an inspiration,

I underwent a metamorphosis as she spoke...

The ‘ancient rusty metal gates’

Of my heart slowly slid wide open

As the rusty and metallic noise died out

And the tornado of dust settled

It was obviously the dawn of a brand new day for me.

At that moment, my heart came alive with LIFE

A tsunami-like wave brewed

And gathered from within my heart

It overwhelmed my entire being,

It was the surge of LIFE itself

As it exploded in me, it flowed out toward her

There was no word to describe

What I felt at that moment

But then I thought, “This must be love”

For the word ‘love’

Never made sense to me until that moment

I could say that I just walked right into a haven.

Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

Such grand beauty was locked up in me,

I never knew it until I met you

But now I know, my heart is the center of love,

“I am love and I am the source of it,” and so are you!

Before this day, you were just a friend but now,

You are my angel.

It was always easy for me to judge and criticize people but that day...

In your presence, a new person was born,

I knew that I could radiate this ‘love’

It drove me to understand humanity and its evolution,

It gave me a reason to live

It taught me wisdom, gave me knowledge

And established understanding in me.

The day I met you was

The day I was born, again!

A day I could never trade for anything

It has been years now, but looking back to that day,

I can say that “angels are us”.

Friends, strangers, everyone is potentially an angel

That could unveil that which is hidden within us

You are my angel of love,

The one that brought forth love from within me.

A new man, I am

A new vision, I see

A new word, I speak

Life is never the same again ’cos of you!

Other Related Stories.

I am.

You are.

We are the offspring of The Infinite Universal Intelligence.

Until next time, Selah!

© Okwudili Iloka.

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