avatarLeigh Robbins


The Complex Simplicity That is Me

The Bits of Randomness That Make Up Who I Am

Photo by Leigh Robbins ©

This post has been a long time coming. I have wanted to do an “About Me” style post for a while, but writing about myself has ended up being much harder to do than I had originally thought.

Firstly, because while I could sell milk to a cow, I am incapable of selling myself to save my life. (You don’t want to see me in a job interview!)

Secondly, I wanted to write about myself in a way that was both true, but where you could feel my personality through it. I also didn’t want to do it in a way that has been done a thousand times before.

When I started really thinking about who I am though, I hit a snag. So, naturally I did what any sane and normal human being would do in that situation… I asked around!

Unsurprisingly, I learned that I am a mess. But, I kind of love that I’m a mess! For the most part, I actually like who I am; a far from perfect person, but one with a decent and healthy ego. I’m aware of the places in myself that I am at a deficit. But, I no longer see my deficits as flaws, but as places where I have a chance to learn and grow. To become a better me.

I like that I have a heightened sense of self awareness, not in an arrogant kind of way, but in a way that’s humbling.

I decided instead of writing a post where I tell you a cleaned up version of my life story, and how I got to the place I am now, I wanted to tell you about me. Not the normal things people usually tell each other either. Nope, I am going to tell you about the me you’d come to know if we were friends out in the real world. Things my own friends know, and have said many times makes me… Me!

The Simple, The Complex, and The Weird

Photo by Leigh Robbins ©

Let me start with, my name is Leigh. I am a thirty-seven years old, lesbian and mother of three. I’m an avid reader, and documentary watcher.

I’m a geek, a nerd, and a dork all rolled in one tiny package. In a single conversation you can totally expect me to fangirl over something I am passionate about, then link it to a historical event in history and then proceed to look at the deep philosophical undertones of what it could all mean.

I am full of random useless information, and even if you don’t care to hear it, I will end up throwing it in a conversation at some point as we talk. Trust me, future you will thank me for it!

I hate long walks on the beach, come to think of it, not a big fan of short ones either. I just don’t dig the beach in general, but I absolutely love the sounds of the ocean while I sleep.

My favorite season is winter, but being cold makes me break out in hives. So, I spend most of my favorite season itching and scratching if I’m not dressed properly. And I generally forget to dress properly!

In winter, before I go to bed I turn my ceiling fan on and open both my bedroom windows. Then I climb under four blankets- three regular blankets, and one heating blanket- to stay warm.

I love the taste of onions, but can’t stand the texture of them. I hate most sweet foods, but love sweet drinks. Hot beverages when I am eating are a no go, and I always order a large milk when I go out for breakfast.

My favorite part of being an adult is eating cheesecake and pie for breakfast and not having anyone yell at me about it. I could eat nothing but pizza, potatoes, pasta and cheese and be completely happy for the rest of my life. Which probably wouldn’t be that long if that’s all that I ate.

I love all paranormal things. I find them fun and interesting, not scary. But hate anything that has a face. Including, but not limited to children’s dolls, angel figurines, and crucifixes with Jesus on them. I find them terrifyingly scary! The one exception to this rule is garden gnomes. I love garden gnomes! And I love their weird creepy faces!

My biggest arch-nemeses in life are spiders, Styrofoam, and Trypophobia (Fear of tiny holes). My children want to build a doll headed spider out of Styrofoam, and make it look like its coming out of a hole to scare me… Half of me is ready to ground them, the other half wants to high five their brilliance in the category of evil genius plans.

Photo by Leigh Robbins ©

If you have a fear of bees, wasps, or hornets, do not stand near me when we are outside. I don’t know what it is about me, but they come out and buzz around me. Some will even land and try to stay on me.

I am a big proponent of meditating. My favorite time/place to meditate is in bed before I fell asleep for the night. But had to change that, because my brain started staying in meditation mode instead of dropping off into sleep.

I am wordy. I will speak/type a bunch of words and still nothing of any importance will have been said.

I’m in introverted extrovert. If you show up at my house, it’s going to be a party, but if you make me go out I’m going to clam up. I used to be an extrovert. As I got older and had kids though I became much more introverted.

I hate being the center of attention, or just garnering anyone’s attention at all. Yet, my sense of style often leans towards the funky end of the spectrum which attracts attention. Crazy hair colors and hairstyles, and a penchant for big and unique earrings tend to catch a person’s eye and pique their interest.

I suffer from a severe case of RBF (Resting Bitch Face). Yet, elderly people and young children alike seem drawn to me. And for some unknown reason, people like to tell me very private things about themselves that I didn’t ask about. This happens on a fairly regular basis too. So, if you’d rather not know about your kids principal having nipple rings — I would strongly suggest not standing too close to me at parent-teacher night.

Last but definitely not least, I will end on a quirk that always amuses my family and friends the most…

I have a tendency to break out in made-up songs about what I’m doing, as I’m doing it. Better still, they always rhyme. Sometimes, there is even some interpretive dancing to go along with the song. I may also have passed this randomness on to my three off-spring, so you can imagine what making dinner in my household looks like on some nights!

What can I say? Other than we’re all a tab bit quirky.

And, I’m a whole lot OK with that!


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