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The web content provides a comparative analysis of UI design guidelines for dialogs in Android and iOS, focusing on the differences and similarities in their use for user interaction.


The article delves into the design principles of dialogs for mobile UI on Android and iOS platforms, as of 2022. It outlines Android's use of basic and full-screen dialogs for tasks and information delivery, and iOS's modal views and alerts for content addition or editing and blocking current views with critical information. The comparison highlights the commonalities such as the central screen positioning with an overlay, the use of action buttons, and the interruption of tasks for urgent actions. It also details the differences in title and text capitalization, alignment, button text styles, component combinations, scrollability, and dismissal methods. The full-screen dialogs and modal views are noted for their use in complex tasks and confirmation requirements when exiting without saving. The article emphasizes the importance of these elements in ensuring users pay attention to important content and actions.


  • The article suggests that both Android and iOS prioritize user attention and task completion through their respective dialog designs.
  • It implies that the design of dialogs should be simple, with a maximum of two action buttons to avoid overwhelming users, although Android allows for more complexity and variety in dialog layouts and components.
  • The preference for central alignment in iOS versus left alignment in Android indicates a design philosophy difference, with iOS focusing on a more symmetrical and centered presentation.
  • The use of red text for destructive actions in iOS is seen as a clear way to indicate potential data loss or critical actions, which is not explicitly mentioned in Android's guidelines.
  • The article conveys that Android's dialogs are more flexible in terms of content length and scrollability, while iOS prefers brevity and non-scrollable content in alerts.
  • The ability to dismiss dialogs by tapping outside or using the back key in Android, which is not available in iOS, suggests a design choice that may affect user interaction and task flow.
  • The use of gestures to close full-screen modal views in iOS, not supported in Android, indicates a touch-centric interaction design unique to iOS.
  • The article hints at a future discussion on other UI elements such as snackbars, date and time pickers, cards, progress indicators, chips, sliders, and secondary navigation controls, indicating a series of guideline comparisons.

The Complete Mobile UI Design Guidelines 2022 — Android vs iOS #14

09 — Dialogs (Android dialogs vs iOS modal views and alerts)

Android dialogs provide actions or contextual information to help users to accomplish a task. Dialogs attract users' full attention to ensure they see the content. Android has 2 types of dialogs: basic and full-screen. Basic dialog typically has actions or relevant information that users need to know. Full-screen dialogs enable users to see more content or complex tasks like editing articles, or filling out forms, etc.

iOS modal views, like Android full-screen dialogs, can contain more content and create an immersive experience. We normally use modals for adding or editing content. iOS alerts, similar to Android basic dialogs, enable users to notice important information and take further actions by blocking the current view.

Android basic dialogs vs iOS alerts


  • Provide critical information or ask for a decision: Dialogs or alerts interrupt the user’s current task with urgent information, details, or actions. Common use cases include alerts, quick selection, and confirmation which need people to pay attention.
  • A maximum of two actions: Normally there are 2 action buttons: a secondary button, which is a dismiss/cancel button most of the time, and a primary action button. If the dialogs or alerts provide information to users, there may be just one dismiss button. There might be 3 buttons on some occasions, but it is not encouraged in Android or iOS. iOS guidelines suggest using action sheets if there are more than 2 buttons.
  • Button placement: Normally the action buttons are placed horitzally, the primary button is on the right-hand side of the secondary button. If the button text is long, we stock buttons vertically. In that case, the primary button is above the secondary button. For the destructive action, if it is the user’s intention, it will still sit in the primary button’s place.
  • Appear in the centre of the screen with a dimming overlay: Both Android dialogs and iOS alerts are shown in the centre of the screen with a dimming overlay.
  • Optional icon: From Material 3, the dialogs can have an additional icon above the dialog title. iOS doesn’t have an icon/graphic on its alerts normally. But in some cases, like using face ID, iOS does have one.


  • Optional title or supporting text: A title can be omitted for Android dialogs, but a title is required for iOS alerts. Interestingly, supporting text on iOS alerts can be omitted when it doesn’t add value.
  • Capitalisation: On Android dialogs, the title, supporting text, and button texts all use sentence cases. On iOS alerts, the title and button texts use title cases, but informative text uses sentence cases. The title can use sentence cases when only it is a sentence.
  • Alignment: On Android, the title, and supporting text are aligned left and the buttons are aligned right. If there is an icon on the dialog, the icon and the title align centrally. On iOS, all the elements, including a title, supporting text, and button text are all aligned centrally.
  • Action button text style: In Android’s confirmation dialogs, even if the primary action is destructive, the button text is the same as the secondary one. Normally they use a brand colour. On iOS, the destructive action button text should be red. iOS also can have a default action and its font-weight is bolder than another.
  • A variety of layouts and component combinations: Unlike iOS alerts, Android basic dialogs can serve much more functions in addition to alerts. Dialogs often appear as an option list too as an alternative to menus and bottom sheets. More than that, dialogs can have a variety of layouts and component combinations, including lists, time and date pickers, text fields, etc. iOS alerts can have text fields only.
  • Scrollability: Android dialogs can have long content with a scroll bar, but iOS alerts’ content should be brief and not scrollable.
  • Tap outside to close: Android basic dialogs can be dismissed by tapping outside of it or the back key, but iOS alerts cannot be dismissed by doing so.

Android full-screen dialogs vs iOS full-screen modal view


  • For complex tasks: Full-screen dialogs or full-screen modal presentation contain actions that require a series of tasks to complete, like adding and editing content or input fields.
  • Confirmation before exit without saving: When a full-screen dialog is closed without being saved, a basic dialog appears in front of it to confirm if the changes should be discarded. The same for the iOS modal view, but iOS tends to use an action sheet to double-confirm the action.
  • Layouts: Both Android and iOS put the cancel button and primary action button, like add, create, save, etc, in the same row on the top app bar/navigation bar.


Cancel button: Android uses X icon as a cancel button, but iOS directly uses the text, Cancel.

Gesture to close: Android doesn’t support gestures to close the full-screen dialogs. iOS full-screen modal view can be closed by dragging down from the content region when it reaches the top of the content. When the screen scrolls down, users can drag it down from the navigation bar to close.


10 — Brief feedback (Android snackbar vs iOS alerts)

11 — Date and time picker

12 — Cards

13 — Progress indicators

14 — Chips

15 — Sliders

16— Secondary navigation (Android tabs vs iOS segmented controls)

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