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The Comfort Zone Is a Lie

And your soul knows it

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels

How comfortable is the Comfort Zone, really?

The Comfort Zone is defined as:

“a place or situation where one feels safe or at ease and without stress.” (Google)


How truly at ease and without stress do we feel knowing that we’re squandering our potential by staying inside our self-imposed fortress of “comfort”?

If we’re honest with ourselves, playing it safe rather than living up to our potential does not feel comfortable at all.

Because deep down we know that we are meant for more.

That feeling of dis-ease while we remain in our comfort zones is our inner knowing.

But so many of us get distracted by the persistent voice that clings to fear.

This voice does a great job of convincing us that we’re not good enough, that it’s better to hide from the world.

That it’s better to listen to the voice of fear instead of to the voice of your heart longing to be set free.

Why even bother trying to go after our dreams?

It’s just a silly dream, anyway. Right?

If we don’t try, we won’t get hurt. Right?


Years later you find yourself regretting what you didn’t try.

Regretting that you cared more about what other people thought than the longing in your heart.

Regretting that you chose fear as your guide over the quiet calling of your soul.

The Comfort Zone is a lie.

And that’s the truth.

Comfort Zone
Personal Growth
Life Lessons
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