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The article discusses the absence of last names for characters in The Matrix movie and its implications.


The article starts by highlighting the absence of last names for characters in The Matrix movie. The author points out that this is unusual, as family names are a distinguishing factor between people. The article then explores the purpose of family names in society and how they have evolved over time. The author argues that family names can create a divide among people, as they can be associated with different cultures and countries. The article concludes with the author's personal experience of changing their name and how it has impacted their identity.


  • The absence of last names for characters in The Matrix movie is unusual.

The Blue Pill Of Surnames

The Matrix is an unforgettable movie. The never-before-seen effects, amazing cast, and incredible story are unique even to this day. But there was one thing nobody noticed.

“An astronaut sits with his palms facing forward. The left palm has a small blue pill in it, and the right palm has a red pill in it. 3D art” — This is a bot-generated image whose copyright is with the Author, by using DALL-E. The author assumes responsibility for the copyright of this image.

Nobody had a last name.

Being very late to the 4th Matrix movie I made sure to watch the entire trilogy. I didn’t have to. But I wanted to. I’ve watched it so many times before it’s become one of my favorite Science Fiction movies.

Apart from remembering the plot, I’ve noticed from the movie's first minutes something I’ve never come across before. Nobody outside the Matrix had a surname (Neo, Trinity, Morpheus, Dozer). As the movies continued and more characters were introduced, this weird law remained (Niobe, Zee, Colt).

But why?

“John broke my bike!”

“What John? Redhead John? Priest John? John the mechanic?”

Family names originated as a distinguishing factor between people since private names weren’t that diverse. That factor was a profession, a trait, a history, or any other thing. It had a purpose.

What is their purpose today then?

Some family names' meanings were lost in translations or morphed with time. I have no idea where mine originated from nor do my parents. But they became a part of society.

Almost everyone has a last name—those who don’t, stand out (Sting, Eminem).

It explains clearly why in the movie nobody has one. Their names are already unique. Each name has a meaning and purpose of its own, probably holding their belief or likeness to this world.

Their names alone are a distinguishing factor.

If anything, I would say that it unites them better because they all have a single purpose; to survive and bring down the machines. Family names do the opposite by being the first step in dividing humanity, going further into cities, countries, and cultures.

A name is a must in today’s world, which is why for this anonymous account it’s an issue. I can’t be identified as Daily Life Escapism because that’s my purpose, and a purpose needs to have someone standing behind it. But I can be inspired by The Matrix and name myself on something I see myself as.

I’m Astronaut.

I’ve always felt like one, ever since I was little. And it’s only natural since an Astronaut is the brand of this account. So when someone wakes me up from my Matrix it will only be a natural answer.

But there’s another point in The Matrix that goes deeper than family names. The names they call themselves are names they have chosen by their own will. What shows more free will than choosing your name in contrast to the one given you in The Matrix by some program?

It is the sole reason behind Agent Smith calling Neo Mr.Anderson over and over. He shows disbelief in Neo’s freedom to even choose his own name. He hasn’t called him Neo even once.

Sure. Anybody changes their name, but it isn’t common and it’s a result of some event or change in life being significant enough. I’ve modified my name not so long ago and my parents didn’t understand why.

We are given a name before we can make a single choice in life. It is done out of society’s shackles forcing you to be a part of the system. Then we get used to it because we’ve associated it with ourselves over dozens of experiences.

There’s no right and wrong here, but as I further question society and my role in it, I also question the basis of it all. We should all be free of surnames and the divide it creates among us. And names should be an acceptable change, maybe even a necessary one.

So what’s my name in The Matrix? It’s time to pick up a pen name to stand behind my brand of Daily Life Escapism.

It’s very nice to meet you. I am Est. Est Ronaut.

What’s your real name?

Calling someone by their personal name makes them more comfortable around, just as subscribing to my newsletter that brings you happiness:

You can read here why masks can be a necessary tool in today's society:

Society And Culture
The Matrix
Self Love
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