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The Birth of the Universe and the Potential Development of a Village

The Birth of the Universe and the Potential Development of a Village

What Connects the Birth of the Universe and the Possibilities of Village Development through an Expansive Force with Sustainable Costs.

The total energy of the universe in its initial state was zero, just like the state of vacuum. Just as then, today, it is a minimal (null) material state, filled with opposing and balancing fields (electrons and protons, matter and antimatter, etc.). The universe is a vacuum that has transformed into what we know today but is still a vacuum, meaning its sum is zero.

Today, similar to its birth, the universe is subject to quantum fluctuations, which can be imagined as field oscillations or bubbles that inflate and deflate. This is the foamy nature of space-time.

How is it possible for the universe to have originated from a vacuum while undergoing transformation and remaining a vacuum?

The idea is that it happened through the intervention of “inflatons.” These represented an anomaly in a quantum bubble, causing it to inflate and providing a push for growth and attracting other inflatons, in a self-sustaining process similar to the concept of economic inflation, where price increases lead to further price increases.

It was enough for the vacuum to create an anomaly and generate a minimal quantity of inflatons for the ongoing process to transform into something unstoppable and explosively expansive. It is said that the symmetry was broken. The perfect object that was the primordial universe, within a time of 10 to the power of -11 seconds, due to the intervention of expansion, transitioned from a bubble the size of 10^-35 meters to the size of a soccer ball — a macroscopic object containing all the mass and energy that compose the universe we know (again, always at zero balance).

Expansion reduces the temperature (though still high) by interfering with the Higgs field, acting on the bosons (similar to inflatons), the primordial scalar particles, which allowed quarks to acquire mass. In short, it is through the aggregation of quarks under the tremendous gravitational forces at play that nuclei and the matter we are made of were generated.

What is the parallel with the development of a village?

A village possesses a balance of opposing forces in any state it finds itself in.

It may not offer jobs and therefore expresses a centrifugal force, but it has a great livability, which acts as a centripetal force.

It may lack supermarkets or have small ones with high prices, but the quality of agricultural products connected to small centers is high, with trustworthy vendors (not to mention the existence of barter systems).

While certain services may be absent, they are compensated by social cohesion.

A village may struggle to attract investments and renovations, but its livability increases in terms of reduced pollution (today, we could also mention increased social distancing).

Returning to physics for a moment, in the primordial state, in equilibrium between the mass-energy and space-time pairs (which are essentially the same thing), a simple imbalance was enough to generate the universe. In a village, where pairs such as human capital and economic resources (monetary and technological) or labor and cultural resources are in balance, imagining the introduction of even small amounts of capital and cultural resources, or human capital and labor, could trigger an inflationary process that, by self-sustaining, leads to new expansive equilibriums. Just as in the universe, it would be enough to continue attracting anomalous binomial components to fuel the process.

Zero-cost resources include human capital associated with cultural resources. By promoting self-cultural formation, a sustainable expansion can be imagined, where, like in a quantum bubble, it continues to attract other components. The remaining question is to understand what the scalar component should be that expands the process.

Today, we know that tourism alone could disrupt the fragile social equilibriums of small communities (increased property prices, conflicting values, etc.), and its sustainability must be associated with other forms of work and seasonality reduction. This “naive” reasoning leads to significant reflections and calls forth “imponderable but by no means weak interactions.” Authenticity is one of the key values to adopt and offer externally.

If you enjoyed this intellectual exercise and are not scandalized by its simplicity, feel free to contribute your own thought processes and continue the discussion.

Rural Development
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