avatarDestiny S. Harris


The Best People Support You When You’re Succeeding

They’re not ONLY present when you’re down and out and struggling

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It’s more common to be grateful for the people there for us when we’re down, low, and struggling with life, right?

But let’s consider another thought.

People Genuinely Happy For You Are Keepers

What about the people who are there for you when you’re succeeding and are genuinely happy for you — even if they’re not doing well?

These are the people you want to keep in your corner.

It’s easy to help and be there for them when they NEED you.

It’s more challenging to be there for someone slashing goals, making moves, and living an elevated lifestyle.

Insecure People

An insecure person might feel threatened about their progress.

They might ask themselves, why am I struggling to progress in life?

Why do they seem to be succeeding at everything they touch?

Why them and not me?

Things seem to come so easy for them; it’s not fair.

They might even distance themselves because they are overcome with envy.

Even worse, they might try and compete with you or sabotage your dreams— even though you two are supposed to be “close.”

Secure People

A secure person (a champion) thinks differently.

Their thoughts and feelings are based on excitement and abundance.

They know if you’re winning, they can win, too, and you can both win.

They know there is enough in the universe to support multiple champions.

Everyone can win.

There is no such thing as luck.

Secure people never compete against others; they only compete against themselves.

Keep These People In Your Corner

The people to keep in your corner rejoice in your wins and feel genuine sorrow for your losses.

No matter what, the people in your corner should add value to your life, want the best for you, be authentic, and be genuine.

The only way to learn who people are is to observe them.

Don’t rush the getting-to-know process.

Don’t divulge your goals, dreams, and intimate ambitions so easily.

Simply watch and learn.

Are they worthy of you and all within your being?

Eventually, the truth always comes out.

Notice how they respond to your wins.

Notice how they respond to your losses.

Do they seem a smidge bit happy when you’re losing?

Do they seem slightly disappointed when you’re on top, winning, and happy?

People give away their emotions and most profound feelings quite easily; all you have to do is pay attention.

When To Let Go & Pull Away

Cut loose or pull back when “close” people around you seem to relish in your defeats.

These people are toxic and liabilities to you, present and future.

At some point, their envy and negativity could wreak havoc upon your life in many ways if you’re not careful.

It doesn’t matter who they are: friends, family, coworkers, etc.; this rule applies to everyone.

Stay in champion mode.

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