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What the hell is OOP


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Introduction to OOP in Python

In Python, object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm that uses “objects” to model elements of the real world. These objects can be concrete things like a car, a computer, or more abstract concepts like a bank account or a process.

Objects and Classes

Let’s imagine a simple object: a coffee cup. In OOP, the “class” is like the blueprint of the cup. It defines the characteristics (attributes) of the cup, such as its color, capacity, and material, as well as the actions (methods) it can perform, like being filled or emptied.

In Python, a class is defined like this:

class Cup:
    def __init__(self, color, capacity):
        self.color = color
        self.capacity = capacity

    def fill(self):
        print("The cup is filled.")

    def empty(self):
        print("The cup is empty.")

Object Instances

Once the class is defined, we can create “instances” of this class. Each cup created from the Cup class is an independent instance, having its own attributes.

my_cup = Cup("red", "300ml")
your_cup = Cup("blue", "250ml")

Here, my_cup and your_cup are two separate objects of the Cup class.

Properties (Attributes)

The properties of the cup, defined in the class, are its attributes. In our example, color and capacity are attributes of the Cup class.


Methods are functions defined in a class that describe the actions the object can perform. In our example, fill and empty are methods of the Cup class.


Inheritance is another key concept in OOP. Suppose we have a ThermosCup class that inherits from the Cup class. The ThermosCup will have all the properties and methods of Cup, but it can also have additional properties and methods.

class ThermosCup(Cup):
    def keep_hot(self):
        print("This cup keeps the coffee hot.")

Collections of Objects

In Python, we can also have collections of objects. For example, if you have several cups, you could store them in a list. This allows interacting with multiple objects simultaneously.


In summary, object-oriented programming in Python allows structuring software as collections of objects with attributes and methods. Each object is an instance of a class, which acts as a blueprint. This approach to programming makes managing complexity in large software projects easier by making them more modular, reusable, and organized.

By using these concepts in Python, one can create efficient and well-organized programs that closely reflect the way we think and interact with the real world.

Python Programming
Learning To Code
Oop Python
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