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The author reflects on finding solace and inspiration in the resilience of wildflowers during early morning walks in Texas, as part of a recovery process from COVID-19.


In the midst of the 2020 quarantine and recovering from COVID-19, the author found solace in the beauty of wildflowers encountered during morning walks in the oppressive Texas heat. The delicate wildflowers, surviving despite the harsh conditions, served as a source of strength and motivation to push further in regaining health and lung capacity. The walks, a daily routine shared with family, not only aided physical recovery but also provided a much-needed distraction from the pandemic's challenges. The author expresses gratitude for the opportunity to share this experience through a six-word photo summer challenge.


  • The author finds the wildflowers' ability to survive the heat inspiring, using it as motivation to persevere in their own recovery.
  • The beauty of nature is acknowledged as a source of comfort and strength during difficult times.
  • The heat in Texas is described as extreme, emphasizing the harsh conditions the wildflowers and the author endure.
  • The act of walking is seen as both a physical and mental therapy, contributing to the author's healing process.
  • Gratitude is expressed towards Mary Chang Story Writer for providing the platform to share the author's story through the six-word photo summer challenge.
Image credit: Author 2020

The Beauty Of Wildflowers

Six-Word Photo Story Summer Challenge

Pink, white — still a pretty sight!

During quarantine 2020, I did more walking than I am doing currently.

I was also stricken with COVID last July and each day my mother, my daughter, and I would wake early before the days' heat was at full force.

I walked to regain my lung capacity and rebuild my strength after it was wiped out by the virus.

I reside in Texas where hot does not begin to describe what we are currently going through.

During these walks, the beauty of nature did provide some beauty and distraction from the pain of my circumstance.

Admiring their delicate beauty gave me the strength to go the extra mile. I thought if these delicate wildflowers can survive the days' heat, surely I can walk a few minutes more.

And each morning, that is exactly what I did.


Thank you, Mary Chang Story Writer for this six-word photo summer challenge opportunity!

Thank you for supporting me!

Six Word Story
Nature Photography
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