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The Archangels explain that while it is possible to direct negative energy or cast spells, such actions cannot control a person's free will and the impact of this energy varies based on individual vibrational levels.


The article discusses the concept of curses and spells from the perspective of the Archangels, emphasizing that energy, both positive and negative, can affect individuals but does not have the power to control them. It highlights that energy attracts similar energy and that people can be influenced by the vibrations around them, which can be uncomfortable but not dangerous. The Archangels clarify that free will is paramount and cannot be overridden by negative energy. They also address misconceptions about evil entities and the nature of the soul, reassuring that protection is available upon request from Angels and guides. The text encourages practices like energy healing and chakra clearing to maintain high vibrational energy, which naturally repels negative influences.


  • The Archangels assert that while negative energy can be directed toward others, it is not inherently evil and cannot control a person.
  • People's vibrational energy levels determine how much they are affected by external energies, with high vibrational energy being less susceptible to negative influences.
  • The article refutes the existence of demons or evil entities attacking people, stating that the real threat comes from other people's negative energy.
  • Free will is considered a sacred gift that cannot be taken away, and individuals maintain control over their actions despite external energetic influences.
  • The text suggests that entities, including loved ones who have passed, can visit or send messages, but these interactions are not harmful or controlling.
  • It is emphasized that anyone can request help or protection from Angels and guides to block unwanted access to their minds.
  • The concept of curses is simplified as the effects of negative energy, which can be mitigated by raising one's own energy vibration and setting strong intentions for protection and clearing.
  • The article concludes with the idea that everyone is affected by energy at various vibrational levels, but this does not pose a danger or take away a person's control.

The Archangels Explain Curses and Spells

It’s All About the Energy

Photo by Federico Beccari on Unsplash

Of all the messages I’ve channeled, this was the most difficult. It was a kind of stop and start, bumpy road, which I hadn’t experienced before. When I asked why I was having difficulty, my guides explained that, because I would never purposely want to cause harm to another, it is a difficult concept for me to grasp as well as feeling uncomfortable while I hear and learn about it. Even at my most mad, I would never wish someone harm, so the idea of others trying to cause harm does not resonate with me at all.

In any case, I was finally able to settle down and listen to what they said, and I’ve recorded their message below.

Question: Can people cast spells or curses against someone else or send them negative energy?


This is a very complicated question, mostly because of preconceived ideas people have about this concept. Yes, it is possible to direct negative, low vibrational energy toward others, but although this energy can have negative effects, it cannot control a person, and it is not inherently evil. It all comes down to energy and vibration, which affects everything and everyone.

Energy attracts similar energy. People with high vibrational energy attract others sources of similar energy, and the opposite is also true. Some people are not easy to be around, because their vibration is at a low level and others can feel uncomfortable around them. The person is not intending this, but it still happens. Most people are not aware of why they don’t enjoy the company of this person, but on some level, being around them doesn’t feel good.

People are exposed to and experience others’ energy all the time. Usually, people are not even aware of this. Can energy attach to others? Yes, but usually only temporarily if it is not of a similar vibration. If it is of a similar vibration, it sometimes stays longer, as it “fits in” easily. This is one of the reasons why everyone should clear their chakras regularly with the expressed intention of calling back your own energy and expelling others’ energy.

Energy, both positive and negative, can linger in people and places. Some people experience discomfort in places where negative energy resides. This is common in places where violence has occurred, be it from war or crime. The more violence that ensued, the more likely and longer the negative energy will remain, because low vibrational energies and emotions were so prevalent there at one time. This energy is not evil in itself, but it can still feel uncomfortable. The more sensitive someone is to energy, the more affected they can be. This is why it is sometimes stressful and uncomfortable for empaths and intuitive people to go out in public or be around crowds. They can sense and be affected by both positive and negative energy, and it can be overwhelming.

Most people do not consciously “aim” their energy toward others, but it can affect others just the same. It is possible to channel, in other words, harness and direct energy. This happens during energy healings and can be very helpful. This kind of energy comes from the same source as the Creator’s energy and is never harmful. It is pure Love.

Negative or low vibrational energy is much more difficult to manipulate, although it is possible. Again, usually when this happens, the person has no knowledge or control. They simply exude energy of a low vibration, usually steeped in negative emotions, like hate, fear, resentment, jealously, and the like. This can feel draining and uncomfortable for people exposed to it, although it is not dangerous or permanently life changing in any way. It cannot control a person. If this kind of energy finds someone who lives at a high vibrational energy, it may not affect them at all. However, if a person is at a low vibration, as are the emotions behind it, the energy can magnify.

There are no demons roaming the Earth attacking people, energetically or otherwise. The threat to people comes from other people. Having said that, it is possible to intentionally “aim” negative energy, although this is uncommon. This energy can cause discomfort both psychically and physically, but it cannot control minds or cause permanently harm or change someone so they act differently or change personalities.

Free will is a sacred gift that cannot be stolen. People can take away freedom from others, they can coerce others and control them this way, but they cannot take away free will. When negative energy attaches to a person, that person’s guides and Angels usually help expel it if the person is unable to clear themselves of it, but intervention must be requested. If someone has a naturally high vibrational energy, the negative energy will not be able to stay attached. This is why energy healing can be very effective in clearing the chakras of negative energy.

As far as coming into contact with evil entities, this cannot happen without the human seeking out this connection. It is possible to encounter entities with low vibrational energy while seeking a connection with higher guides, however. If this happens, if something feels uncomfortable, dismiss it and consciously reject it. Trust your intuition. When people connect with high guides, it is not a bad feeling; on the contrary, it feels peaceful and loving. To avoid contact with unwanted entities, set a strong and clear intention that you seek connection with high guides only, and ask for protection from the Archangels.

In addition to these things, it is possible that loved ones who have crossed over can visit or send messages to a person. Again, this requires energy to reach you, and it is not harmful or controlling. However, some people are afraid of this kind of contact, so they may feel uncomfortable. Usually, the soul has good intentions, to let you know that they are watching over you and are closer than you think. It is meant to comfort, mostly. Although there is nothing to fear, you can always ask them to leave your conscious or unconscious mind. For some, receiving mental messages can be distracting or irritating, but again, these thoughts are not controlling in any way.

There is much misunderstanding regarding entities entering a body. The soul lives in the body, but it is also present elsewhere. This can also be true for humans, especially in the dream state. Although the human body stays on Earth, the consciousness of its soul can leave the body. In this state, other entities can make contact, usually loved ones who want to be closer to the person for a time.

This is where it becomes confusing for many. Although the entity enters the soul’s consciousness, it does not enter the body. This is confusing for those who believe the consciousness and the soul are the same thing, which is incorrect. The consciousness is a part of the soul. For example, the part of the consciousness that includes universal knowledge is hidden by the soul and usually inaccessible to the human consciousness. If the human learns to connect with the soul, the soul may or may not share that knowledge, depending on what is in the person’s best interests, which is often connected to the life plan in place.

As far as someone putting a curse or casting a spell on someone goes, this is also a complicated concept for humans to understand, because there are many factors involved which have various effects. Again, this goes back to energy. To wish someone harm involves energy. Likewise, to wish someone well also involves energy, but the energy is at a higher vibration, because the emotions behind it are also high vibrational. Both can affect the targeted person. Depending on how long the energy is attached to the person, the effect differs from person to person, based on their own vibration.

Another factor is the life plan in place and what is needed to help stay on track. Although entities can enter the subconscious mind and make suggestions as well as communicate with a person consciously, as we do with our channel, these thoughts cannot control a person, and the person maintains free will to accept or deny these thoughts and ideas they hear. We cannot and would not ever make our channel do anything against her wishes. She is always in control of her actions.

Anyone at any time can request help or protection from Angels and guides to block access to their minds if they are uncomfortable for any reason. Most of these ideas and thoughts are considered random by the people who receive them. Most of them are meant to be helpful, usually from a deceased loved one, but they can still be blocked energetically. If you are unable to do this alone, call on guides or Angels for help.

What humans call a curse is simply the effects from negative energy, which everyone deals with from time to time. If your energy vibrates at a level that is close to the energy you come into contact with, it will likely stay with you longer. Again, setting a strong intention to clear away all energies and emotions that do not serve you well usually fixes the problem. You may also recall any of your own energy that may have attached to others. Also, a person or their guides and Angels can block negative energy and ground personal energy.

In summary, although ideas can be put into your thoughts, they cannot control you. Healing energy is never dangerous and cannot cause harm. It can also clear out negative energy from other sources and help raise your own vibrational energy. Curses are made of negative energy and can be intentional or non-intentional, although no one can be controlled or changed by them.

Lastly, you can raise your energy vibration in many different ways, so you also attract higher energy, which naturally repels low vibrational energy. Also, remember that there are Angels and guides assigned to all humans that are there to protect and guide them, so no one is ever alone. Everyone is made of and affected by energy at any number of vibrational levels daily, but this does not make it dangerous and it does not take control of a person.

We send Love and Light to All

Final Thoughts

Phew! Yes, energy affects all of us at different times. Since everyone and everything is made of energy, you cannot avoid it. However, you can change your own energy and keep track of it. I’ve become sensitive to energy through Reiki and channeling, but I’ve asked for Angelic protection, so I’m not afraid of energy. I do feel it, and it can be uncomfortable at times, especially when the collective energy around me is fearful or angry, but I clear my chakras regularly, and I do many grounding activities to balance everything. There are many ways to do this you can find on the internet or YouTube.

I’ve only ever “aimed” loving and healing energy toward people, and my energy is at a high enough vibration that it can affect others in a positive way. I’ve also requested Love and Light energies from the Archangels, which is like high vibrational energy on steroids, and you can, too. This can have a positive effect on everyone around you.

It makes sense that lower vibrational energy can also be channeled by someone with bad intentions, but even so, it cannot control you or make you into someone you are not. We all have protection upon request and even without it at times, but why not make the request and be grateful for it, especially if you are trying to connect with other entities, whether it be your higher self, guides, or Angels? Better to be safe than sorry, and we are always safe with the Archangels.

Sending you all loving and healing energy! Blessings!

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