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The web content outlines three straightforward strategies to enrich one's life by reconnecting with one's inner child, living in the present, and embracing the learning that comes from making mistakes.


The article titled "The 3 Ridiculously Simple Ways to Make Your Life Spicy" emphasizes that life doesn't have to be monotonous. It suggests that by tapping into the joy of our inner child, we can add excitement and fun to our daily routines. The author recommends engaging in activities that rekindle youthful enthusiasm, such as playing sports or exploring new places. The second strategy involves living in the moment, focusing on the present, and practicing gratitude for what we have, which can lead to greater happiness and reduced anxiety about the future. Lastly, the article encourages readers to be open to making mistakes, as they are a natural part of learning and growth, and can prevent life from becoming dull and predictable.


  • The author believes that everyone has an inner child that should be nurtured to maintain a sense of joy and innocence in life.
  • There is a strong emphasis on the importance of living in the present moment, as suggested by Amit Ray, to enhance one's quality of life and overall happiness.
  • The piece conveys that overthinking about the future can detract from enjoying the present and should be avoided.
  • Mistakes are seen not as failures but as opportunities for learning and personal development.
  • The author shares personal experiences, such as playing cricket, to illustrate how one can reconnect with their inner child and find happiness.
  • The article suggests that trying new things, even with the risk of making errors, is crucial for a fulfilling and exciting life.
  • Readers are encouraged to subscribe to Medium for access to more content on life and happiness.
  • The author promotes an AI service, ZAI.chat, as a cost-effective alternative to ChatGPT Plus(GPT-4), highlighting its affordability and performance.

The 3 Ridiculously Simple Ways to Make Your Life Spicy

It’s easy and fun if you try.

Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay. Edited by the author

“All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.”

Whether you do a 9–5 job or run a business, life often gets boring with all the usual stuff. But the good news is — it’s never too late to spice up your life with a few subtle tricks.

Yes, you can quickly turn your monotonous existence into an exciting one following these simple ways.

Let’s dive in.

Bring back the old you in a new way

You are always a little child inside, no matter how much your body ages.

You still want to do silly things yet resist yourself, thinking about what others will think of you. However, you act like a moody, know-it-all guy telling yourself the lie that you’re not a kid anymore.

Remember, your inner child is a part of you, so it’s crucial to let him out every once in a while. Why is that important?

“When we are children we seldom think of the future. This innocence leaves us free to enjoy ourselves as few adults can. The day we fret about the future is the day we leave our childhood behind,” says Patrick Rothfuss in his novel The Name of the Wind.

When you reconnect with your inner child, you feel that innocence again. You realize that worrying about the future doesn’t get you anywhere. And it’s necessary to take a break and have some fun.

Now, how would you get in touch with your inner child?

Some people find that doing things they love can help them reconnect with their inner child. This might include playing sports, going on adventures, or exploring new places.

In my case, I play cricket almost every afternoon to get in touch with my inner child. I time travel while playing and ultimately discover a very energetic and happy kid inside me. It helps me to forget my daily worries and gives me the energy to confront the coming ones with bravery.

Many people find that listening to music, spending time in nature, or engaging in creative activities helps them feel more connected to their younger selves.

Everyone is different, so experiment and see what works best for you. Try to be yourself and reconnect to your inner child to make your present more exciting and fun.

Throw your tomorrows into the dustbin and embrace today

‘Live in the breath.’

It’s not my words. But, Amit Ray says it in his book Om Chanting and Meditation. He suggests you live in the moment if you want to conquer the anxiety of life.

Many might wonder what this living-in-the-moment actually means.

In simple terms, it means you need to focus on the here and now instead of letting your mind wander.

See what you have, express your gratitude for that, and of course, try what you can do to improve your life. Don’t weigh yourself down by constantly overthinking about your future.

You can practice many things to be in the present. Here are a few that can help you out -

  • Pay attention to your senses. For example, notice the colors and textures around you, feel the air on your skin, listen to the sounds around you, and taste the food in your mouth.
  • Use a to-do list and be completely absorbed in a task or activity, forgetting about everything else.
  • Exclude distractions and be fully present with your loved ones to make wonderful memories.
  • Spend less time on social media and consume as little news as possible (because most of them are either fake or negative).
  • Try to slow down and relax your body.

I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths whenever my mind gets clouded with different thoughts and future worries. It helps me to calm down and focus on the things in front of me and what I can control.

When we focus on the present, we can enjoy life more fully. Moreover, research has shown that people who live more in the moment are happier overall.

So if you’re looking for a way to improve your happiness, practice living in the moment now!

Try new things and be willing to make mistakes

We’ve heard countless times in life that mistakes are inevitable if we want to progress. Yet, we all hate to make mistakes. Don’t we?

Kill me, but I urge you to believe in this cliche one more time. Without making mistakes, we would never learn anything new.

Einstein says: “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”

And if you don’t learn anything new frequently, life becomes boring and monotonous.

Be willing to make mistakes. It means that you are trying new things but the results went otherwise than your expectations. And through this, you’ve gained some knowledge.

So, make mistakes and use the learning to become a better person.


I hope you’ve got an idea of how these three simple things can spice up your life. So, why wait?

  • Revive your inner child and have fun
  • Do your best today without overthinking the future
  • Try new things and never mind the mistakes

I wish you an exciting and meaningful life.

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