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The 100 Percent Rule That Will Change Your Life

Have you ever tried to change a habit or achieve a goal, only to fall short time and time again? How many business ideas have you brainstormed, feeling energized and eager to start, only to feel your motivation slowly dissolve as procrastination kicks in?

Change is hard. But what if it didn’t have to be so hard? What if there was a simple mindset shift that could help you finally break through barriers and manifest lasting change?

Photo by Brett Sayles

The Pitfalls of “Trying”

We often seek change through effort — summoning willpower. Relying on sheer effortful striving is an exhausting way to live. It’s constantly white-knuckling, hoping our determination outpaces our cravings or inertia.

The cycle goes like this: we start strong, applying rules and restrictions meant to curb the bad and accelerate the good. The initial enthusiasm carries us…for a while.

But self-control is a limited resource. As willpower depletes, those carefully crafted rules start to bend and ultimately break.

Before we know it, we’re back to square one, left wondering where to find motivation take two.

All or Nothing

What if there was another way? Instead of disciplined effort, what if lasting change was the natural consequence of conscious commitment? This approach flips the script by shifting first not our behaviors but our beliefs.

The formula goes like this:

First, establish clear intention, then allow committed action to unfold. Said differently: Be before Do.

It starts by asking bigger questions about who we wish to become. We set a clear destination before worrying about the details of the journey. If a sailor does not first chart the course, unfurling the sails alone will never take her somewhere good. She must look beyond current circumstances and declare where she intends to go. Her daily actions then come into alignment with the vision.

Decide Once and For All

This is where the 100 Percent Rule comes in — making a wholehearted commitment without caveats or compromises. No more saying “I’ll try this for now but maybe go back later.” No more keeping our options open. We make a clear call and then cut off the exit ramp.

There is immense freedom in letting go of alternatives, in declaring “This is WHO I am now and shall be always.” The identity shift precedes the behavioral shift. We become first, then do.

Bing AI

Say your ambition is to quit smoking. The common advice is gradual reduction — cut back slowly over time. But every cigarette allowed means continuing the debate: To smoke or not to smoke? This constant decision-making leads to decision fatigue, draining willpower.

Instead, firmly choose: “I am now a nonsmoker. Not most of the time. Not trying it out briefly. But a full, permanent NONSMOKER from this day forward.”

This resolute declaration removes the painful double-mindedness of “She who tries to straddle two horses usually ends up riding neither.” There is no more fence-sitting or betting each way. You’ve placed your wager, and gone all in.

Investing in Your New Identity

Talk is cheap, so we must put money where the mindset is. Support internal shifts with external actions. Make tangible investments into your declared identity.

The kid who bought hundreds of shoes to launch his business created a “point of no return,” cementing his commitment. Surrounded by boxes filling the garage, he could no longer back out. He stood firmly facing forward.

Financial investments into your ambition- whether hiring a coach, signing up for courses, or pre-paying for something you need delivered- make the mental commitment real. It confirms “I am serious about this vision I have claimed.” Otherwise, we risk keeping it merely hypothetical while never actually embarking.

Objections and Obstacles

When facing a big commitment, anxiety can creep in. Our inner control freak feels uncomfortable fully letting go of other options. What if I miss out on something better?

This fear is natural. Change involves sacrificing familiar comforts. And we resist dropping what’s predictable for the unknown.

But recognize most fear is projection, imagining a flawed worst-case scenario. Like a boyfriend, terrified of proposing, fixated on the slight risk of rejection rather than massive benefits if accepted.

In reality, committing unlocks growth, meaning, and fulfillment beyond expectation.

So when faced with outsize commitment, acknowledge the understandable fear of forfeiture. Then courageously lean in. Have faith in why this call resonates.

Shift focus from “what you could lose” to “who you might become.”

Cut the Ambiguity

When it comes down to it, real change starts from within — it begins by shifting how we see ourselves. Who we believe we are shapes what we do.

So if you want new results, the first step is asking: “Who do I intend to become?” Define clearly in your mind the identity you aspire towards. Playing it vague holds us back; clarity empowers.

How would you act if failure wasn’t possible? Let that vision guide you; let bold dreams shape present belief.

The old hesitant identity fades as we claim this bolder self. We transform from victim to creator, from passenger to pilot of our lives.

I know, this is easier said than done. Fears still creep up — it’s natural. But don’t let anxiety win by default. Bold dreams require bold commitment. So breathe deep, trust your instincts, and lean into promising possibilities rather than playing it safe.

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