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A counselor recounts his journey of transitioning from a traditional practice to a successful online business to remain close to his sons post-divorce.


The narrative details the personal and professional transformation of a dedicated father and counselor who, following a divorce and the relocation of his sons, embarked on a challenging path to reinvent his career. Driven by the need to be near his children, he embraced the world of online entrepreneurship, overcoming obstacles and working tirelessly to build a profitable online business from a small apartment in Alpharetta, Georgia. His story serves as a testament to the power of determination, resilience, and the opportunities afforded by the internet, ultimately leading to a six-figure income and a message of inspiration for content creators seeking to monetize their passion.


  • The author believes in the transformative power of online marketing training, which provided solace and strategic insights during his long commutes.
  • He emphasizes the importance of perseverance, suggesting that true passion and dedication can overcome any challenge.
  • The author values the role of content creation in building a successful online business, offering a free playbook and newsletter to help others profit from their content.
  • He acknowledges the emotional toll of his journey, highlighted by a poignant moment at a Zac Brown Band concert with his sons, which underscores the personal significance of his sacrifices.
  • The author hints at a sense of divine intervention or serendipity, as his youngest son attended the same high school as Zac Brown, reinforcing his belief that persistence can lead to unexpected blessings.

That Time I Traded My Couch for a Mouse

A special message for content creators becoming content profit makers

Lately I’ve been thinking about how this whole online gig started for me. Here’s the story with some tips that will help you:

I will never forget the feeling of despair that consumed me as I drove away from my ex-wife’s new apartment in Georgia, leaving behind my 2 precious sons, 11 and 3.

The divorce was expected but what I didn’t anticipate was their relocation from Tallahassee, Florida, to the unfamiliar lands of north Atlanta, Georgia. It was January of 2006, and my world was thrown into disarray.

At that time, I had a thriving private counseling practice in Tallahassee. I had built a reputation and a life centered around helping others navigate through their struggles. But with my boys now residing far away, I knew I had to make a drastic change in my life if I wanted to be an active part of theirs. Alongside my desire to be near my children, I realized that I needed to transform my business and find a way to make money online.

For countless months stretching throughout 2006 and the first two months of 2007, I embarked on a grueling journey. Every Monday through Wednesday, I would see a week’s worth of clients in a mere three days. Then Wednesday night I’d drive from Tallahassee to north of Atlanta for the remainder of the week that was spent living in hotels in Atlanta, allowing me precious time with my 2 sons while also trying to establish a foothold in this new city.

Then Sunday night I’d leave for Tallahassee to do it all over again. You know that song by the Zac Brown Band called “Highway 20 Ride?”

Yeah, like that.

During those long, solitary drives between Tallahassee and Atlanta, I found solace in the wisdom shared through internet marketing training. Listening to these recordings, I became absorbed in the knowledge and inspiration they provided. And when I arrived at my destination, I wasted no time in implementing what I had learned.

The Turning Point

February of 2007 marked a turning point in my life. I closed my practice, left Tallahassee behind entirely, and relocated to Alpharetta, Georgia. From the confines of my modest 700-square-foot apartment, armed with little more than my laptop and unwavering determination, I threw myself into the world of online entrepreneurship.

Days turned into nights, and nights into weeks as I dedicated myself wholeheartedly to building an online business from scratch. The road was not easy, and progress was sometimes slow and sometimes fast, but I refused to give up. I poured every ounce of energy I had into turning my dreams into reality.

And slowly but surely, the results began to manifest. I watched in awe as my online business grew from a mere seedling of an idea into a thriving entity, generating a six-figure income. All from the comfort of that tiny apartment, and all thanks to the power of the internet.

Through this journey, I learned perhaps the most important lesson any content creator struggling to become a profit maker could ever learn:

when something truly means enough to you, you will find a way

You will work as hard as it takes, stretch yourself beyond what you once believed possible, and refuse to let any obstacle deter you from your ultimate goal.

So to all the content creators out there who are struggling to turn their passion into profit, let my story be your inspiration. Embrace the challenges, embrace the doubt, and never forget the importance of perseverance. The path may be long and winding, but with sheer determination and an unyielding spirit, you too can transform your dreams into reality.

Perfect PS: One night my sons and I were at a Zac Brown Band concert in Atlanta. My sons were now 16 and 9. During “Highway 20 Ride” my oldest son came over to hug me and did not let go. And my youngest son ended up going to the same high school as Zac Brown.

Sometimes God just shows off…

We can do this content creator to content profit maker ride together right here. You’ll get my free playbook called “21 Income Streams from One Article” and my free Content Profit Daily(ish) newsletter filled with tips and tools to profit from your content.

Here’s to building our dreams together…

Photo by Windows on Unsplash
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