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The website content delves into the enigmatic nature of space, particularly black holes, the potential for life and evolution, and the existential question of human existence, while also touching upon the choice between cremation and burial.


The article explores the mind-boggling aspects of space, emphasizing the extreme density of black holes and their prevalence in the universe, with an estimated two trillion galaxies each potentially harboring these celestial phenomena. It reflects on the evolution of life on Earth, from simple life forms 3.5 billion years ago to the complex species that exist today, including humans with their advanced brains capable of pondering their own existence. The piece also addresses the controversy surrounding evolution, the permanence of extinction, and the inevitability of death, prompting readers to consider their preferences for cremation or burial. Additionally, it introduces the complexity of life at the atomic level and the long evolutionary process that led to human life, while inviting readers to explore a more detailed article on the choice between cremation and burial.


  • The author suggests that black holes, due to their density, are among the most fascinating objects in the universe.
  • There is an underlying assumption that most galaxies have black holes at their centers.
  • The article posits that our advanced brains have allowed us to question and explore our existence in the universe.
  • Evolution is presented as a slow and complex process that is difficult for humans to comprehend due to its gradual nature.
  • The author implies that extinction is final, with no return for species that have disappeared, such as the non-avian dinosaurs.
  • The piece reflects on the human inevitability of death and the personal choice between cremation and burial, suggesting it is a decision that requires thought.
  • The author endorses an AI service, ZAI.chat, as a cost-effective alternative to ChatGPT Plus (GPT-4), indicating a belief in the value and performance of this service.

That Mind Boggling Area We Call Space

A few of my 150-word articles regarding the universe and life.

Photo by Bram Naus on Unsplash

British spelling

Will black holes ever be truly understood?

Black holes are the densest objects in the known universe.

Photo by Aman Pal on Unsplash

Their density is mind-boggling. To give an example, hypothetically, the Earth would have to be crunched down to the size of a grape before it became a black hole.

It is thought that there are two trillion galaxies in the observable universe, each holding millions or billions of stars.

Our home galaxy, the Milky Way, has a black hole at its centre named Sagittarius A* with a mass of over 4 million times that of our local star, the Sun. Yes, they are amazing objects.

I mentioned the number of galaxies in the known universe; most scientists are now confident enough to say that most of them will have black holes at their centres.

Why are we here?

Do you ever wonder why we exist?

Anthony Tran on Unsplash

We can only imagine what our early ancestors were thinking as they gazed up at the night sky. Were they curious as to what the heavens had to hide?

Now it is very different, as we have developed sophisticated telescopes and other specialised scientific instruments that are helping to reveal some of the secrets the universe holds.

Simple life forms were living on our planet at least 3.5 billion years ago; since that time, billions of animal species have existed, and millions of species are still alive today.

The evolutionary path for life has been long, but at last, we have arrived. Our highly developed brain has given us intelligence and curiosity; now we can try and make sense of our existence.

Evolution is a topic that causes plenty of controversy.

Image by Alexa from Pixabay

Someone said to me, Why are the apes that are around today not turning into humans?

Well, it’s a lot more complicated than that. If the whole human population were wiped out tomorrow, that would be the end of our species forever.

No extinct animals have ever come back; that is sadly the end of the line for them. The non-avian dinosaurs died out 66 million years ago, and as far as I know, there are no signs of them returning.

Evolution is difficult for many people to understand. Our lives are too short to witness the tiny changes that take place in populations.

Primitive life forms were living on our planet well over 3 billion years ago; that is how long it has taken for the human species to arrive.

Cremation or Burial is a difficult choice for most of us.

When we are young that choice is furthest from our minds.

Photo by Keren Fedida on Unsplash

An estimated 117 billion humans have walked the Earth, and roughly eight billion are still alive today, but none of them have escaped death, so there comes a time in our lives when we need to make a choice: cremation or burial.

In all forms of life, atoms are put together in an extremely complex way, widely thought to be the result of evolution. We don’t notice the evolutionary process; our lives are too short to see the tiny changes.

There are 118 known chemical elements on Earth, and only 21 of them make up the human body’s structure.

Please follow my link for a more detailed article on the subject; it might surprise you.

The end

Space Exploration
Outer Space
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