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Ten More Things You May Want to Know About Me

I’m introverted, but I’m definitely not shy

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Lynn L. Alexander has once again donned her investigative reporting vest, seeking answers to her ten random questions. I’ve taken the bait and, once again, bared all. Sometimes, I wonder if she’s trying to solve an unknown mystery.

Lynn, I didn’t do it.

Whatever it is.

If you haven’t yet answered her questions, don’t forget to visit the link below after you’ve finished reading mine. Lynn needs to rule you out. Here’s what she’s asked us.

Have you ever flown in a helicopter? It takes months of sweat, fear, and tears to get me to step foot onto an airplane. Why in heaven’s name would I put myself in a helicopter? I once flew in a four-seater airplane, sitting in the front seat alongside the pilot — my former father-in-law. That’s the most daring I’ve ever been in the air. The only time I’d fly in a helicopter is if, god forbid, I need it for emergency medical transport or to escape a crisis.

How many surgeries have you had? I’ve only had three in my lifetime. These surgeries were four wisdom teeth extractions, a lymph node biopsy, and a tubal ligation. On January 18th and February 1st of this year, I underwent dental procedures requiring general anesthetic, but they weren’t surgeries, which my dental insurance was quick to point out when they declined my claim.

What is your favorite dinner? Ever since developing a sensitivity to garlic and many other spices, I have eaten a very bland diet. My favourite Chinese food restaurant serves a chicken dish full of flavour, texture, and fun, so I gift it to myself periodically. I eat it with a side of steamed rice and a couple of fortune cookies to round out the meal.

Are you a morning person? I fluctuate. Some mornings, I jump out of bed at 5:30 am and either write an article and read on Medium or do a meditation. Other mornings, I stay in bed, leaving just enough time to shower quickly and race to work. Each day, I either feel productive or I’m cursing and grumbling about not getting enough sleep as I drag myself out of bed. Clearly, I need a better schedule.

What is the most adventurous thing you have done? I’ve done many adventurous things in my life, namely swimming with stingrays in the Grand Cayman Islands and with a sea lion in St Thomas, climbing Jamaica’s Dunn’s River Falls, and zip lining through the Costa Rican rainforest. However, the most adventurous thing I’ve ever done was pump an eight-pound, three-ounce human being out of my ten-centimetre hole. Enough said.

What do you like to put on your hotdogs? I haven’t eaten a hot dog in years because I don’t trust that it doesn’t contain garlic or garlic powder, but when I did, I enjoyed corn relish, mustard, ketchup, and onions. Yum.

What is/was your favorite amusement park ride? When I go to an amusement park, I like to spend my time gambling, either winning stuffed prizes or cash. I have a weak stomach and, therefore, shy away from rides, which shouldn’t surprise anyone that if I had to choose a favourite amusement park ride, I’d choose the carousel. These days, I’d likely stand next to one of my grandchildren on a skillfully carved horse that was prancing up and down.

Do you think you could kill someone to save your life or a loved one’s life? Lynn, have you been talking to Ruby Noir 😈? I’d expect a question like this from her but from you? You’ve caught me off-guard. My gut instinct tells me I could and would, but we never know for sure, and I hope I’m never in a position to find out.

What is a favorite concert you have attended? It was my daughter’s performance at school in front of all the parents. My favourite song was when the class sang (I can’t remember which song; it was almost twenty-eight years ago), and all the kids accompanied the words with sign language. It was overwhelmingly breathtaking.

Would you still write on Medium if you won 10 million dollars? Absolutely. I don’t write for the money, although it’s a pleasant bonus. If I were wealthy, I’d still love to share my thoughts and my life lessons and engage with like-minded readers and writers.

Here are Lynn’s questions.

Consider publishing them here in Adrian’s pub.

Here are the participants and supporters of stories, quizzes, and challenges. Please show their stories some love. (Please let me know if you want your name removed from or added to the list. Either is easy to do, per your request. All you need to do is ask in the comments or a note.)

NancyO, Ruby Noir, Randy Pulley, The Sturg, Harry Hogg, Susie Winfield, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Trisha Faye, Bernie Pullen, Michelle Jimerson Morris, Paula Shablo, Brandon Ellrich, Karen Hoffman, @Michael Rhodes, Bruce Coulter, Rachella Angel Page, Lisa Guard, Dixie Dodd, Adrian CDTPPW, Leigh-Anne Dennison, barry robinson, Jerry Dwyer, Jennifer Dunne, Lynn L. Alexander, Julia A. Keirns, Emma Vincent, Tooth Truth Roopa Vikesh, John Welford, Misty Rae, Deborah Joyce Goodwin (Red:The-Lady In Blue), John Hansen, Zaq Cass, John Hua Technology ☕️

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