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Taylor Swift Donates $100K for Family of Woman Killed at Chiefs Victory Parade on GoFundMe

Taylor Swift (screenshot/gofundme.com) (Photo: Neilson Barnard / Getty Images)

A fundraiser on GoFundMe was created to help Lisa Lopez-Galvan’s family after she died in a shooting during the Kansas City Chiefs’ victory parade. Taylor Swift noticed the fundraiser and donated $100,000 to it on Friday morning.

GoFundMe's highest donation limit is $50,000 and therefore, Taylor Swift had to make multiple donations to reach the level she wanted.

On Thursday afternoon, the “Elizabeth Lopez-Galvan Memorial” page was created on GoFundMe to collect money for the family of the 44-year-old woman who was shot. They aimed to gather $75,000. By Friday morning, about 1,300 individuals had contributed. Taylor Swift then made two donations of $50,000 each, surpassing the fundraising goal.

The singer wrote: “Sending my deepest sympathies and condolences in the wake of your devastating loss. With love, Taylor Swift,”

Taylor Swift’s cover on Spotify and comments from Taylor Swift on GoFundMe

Swift’s rep confirmed to news channels that the donations by the singer appearing on the page were legit.

“This fund has been set up to benefit the family of Lisa Lopez-Galvan,” reads the GoFundMe page’s text. “Lisa was celebrating the Chiefs’ Super Bowl Victory parade when senselessly killed. She is survived by two children and her husband of 22 years. She was an amazing mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, and friend to so many. We ask that you continue to keep her family in your prayers as we grieve the loss of her life. This fund will help provide vital financial support to her family as they process this unthinkable tragedy. Any amount is appreciated.”

Lopez-Galvan was fatally shot in the abdomen amidst the chaos on Wednesday. Initially, it was reported that she died after surgery, but later updates clarified that she passed away at the scene.

By Saturday evening, the fundraising page had gathered $343,000 from more than 4,600 donors. Following Taylor Swift’s donations, the GoFundMe page gained widespread attention across the internet. It even made it to the front page of Reddit from various subreddits, sparking numerous discussions and comments about the contributions.

Here are some of the comments from viral posts regarding the donation on Reddit:

u/vicmal60 wrote: I’m pretty sure that Taylor didn’t announce the news. Someone, somewhere down the line saw that she donated and broadcast it. If Taylor Swift bought me a coffee I’m going to tell people about it. WTG Taylor!!!

as a reply u/911_reddit wrote: Why can’t she donate as anonymous then?

u/TheBigBadGRIM wrote: It’s amazing how everything this woman does gets criticism. She donated $100,000 to a family she doesn’t know because she still wants to help. It’s good news. It’s uplifting news. Period.

u/Andrew1990M wrote: For the people saying the money is nothing. How much money would make you feel better that your Mom died? 1mil? 2mil? Let us all know the price you put on that pain. She gave more than enough to cover the funeral and get the family through their grief. I believe Billionaires are morally obligated to be charitable, hopefully Swift will support the community in other ways. But millions of dollars won’t bring this family any happiness.

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