Tag-O-Rama — Libby Shively McAvoy
We are survivors because life must teach us how to be stronger

Thanking Rui Alves.
Celebrating Dancing Elephants Press Relationship Columnist, innovative, inspiring, and wise Libby Shively McAvoy.
New Relationship Column: Step right up and start writing some juicy articles.
Oh yeah, I agree with this topic, so let’s dive in.
Relationships are not easy, and nothing worthwhile comes easily. We must put effort, hard work, and the commitment to growth into ourselves and our relationships to nurture it and succeed. This column is intended to awaken, inspire, and empower you to find and foster healthy, happy relationships. — Libby Shively McAvoy
It’s a frustrating third and fourth job for some of us and some with cruel and thoughtless people in our lives that we love and say they love us. Others are loving and kind people. Lol. And then there are the rest of us in the middle with both.
The topic of relationships not only includes romantic couples. It expands to families, friends, co-workers, and neighbors. We have relationships with many people simultaneously in life. Emotional intelligence plays a significant role in how successfully we navigate those roles. — Libby Shively McAvoy
Didn’t I tell you she was wise?
Some relationships thrive. Others are toxic. Some need a little TLC. — Libby Shively McAvoy
And boy, is she right about this one. Dig into the link below for more.
Welcome To My World: Surviving a near-death experience made me realize it was time to show up and discover my true purpose in life, which is to awaken, inspire, and empower others to live the life they love. — Libby Shively McAvoy
All of us are survivors because life must teach us how to be stronger.
I grew up in an ordinary Midwestern home. I got married at the young age of 21 and everything seemed to be going along just fine. The only problem was I was just sort of going through the motions doing what I thought I was supposed to do. I had not found my authentic voice yet. We had our first child when I was 24 and I began to feel a bit more like an adult, but still, I knew something was missing. — Libby Shively McAvoy
Life is different for all of us, and our routes are similar, but never the same. How we live, and the decisions we make will determine if we live or die. The choices are in our minds, souls, hands, actions, decisions, mindsets, thoughts, etc.
One horrible day changed the trajectory of our lives. In 2009, as the stock market was crashing and my now ex’s job was on the line, we were watching TV after the kids went to bed. I made the terrible mistake of making the snide remark of asking him to change the annoying car racing channel he was watching and oh boy that did it. — Libby Shively McAvoy
From zero to one hundred in a second, something else is going on.
He grabbed me by my ponytail, dragged me through our family room, like a cavewoman, and into our kitchen where he forced my head under our kitchen sink faucet and turned on the water. He was holding my body so that my feet were dangling helplessly off the ground, his one hand around my throat and neck and his other hand holding my nose shut so that I could not breathe. I remember struggling for what seemed like a few minutes until I finally surrendered. I really thought that was the end of my life. — Libby Shively McAvoy
What the heck was going on in his mind? I would run for my life and my children’s too.
My sister helped me get legal help several days later. Long story short. He later admitted that had I not gone to court he had planned to kill me. The judge said she was appalled and had never seen a first-time domestic violence case so brutal. I am just glad I got a second chance at life. I now know I have a mission to help awaken, empower, and inspire others to live the life they love. — Libby Shively McAvoy
Wow! You survived. I am baffled. I have been here and I too survived and learned how to love myself more.
I learned though that with my marriage on the rocks, and gaining more confidence to leave, it was not a very sustainable business financially. — Libby Shively McAvoy
Many females stay in toxic relationships because their lack of confidence brainwashed them into believing that they are financially better off staying inside hell. I am willing to walk away and leave him with everything. My life is more valuable than all of his money.
I rather be happy with nothing, than unhappy with everything. I have been here and that is what life showed me. — Annelise Lords
I make myself the asset, and I think most females are. This piece is difficult and painful to read. The pain Libby endured, no females should. Our challenges do make us stronger, and being survivors, our experiences can help, heal, and guide other females to make better decisions.
Also to tell them, to Speak up! Speak out! Tell someone what is going on! Keep records of all incidents! Keep a log! Protect your children! Be aware of changes in your relationship! Take nothing for granted! Be involved in your life too! Annelise Lords
Your heart will ache just reading this. I am still struggling to understand the reason for the high level of cruelty that humans allow to roam, foster, and grow in our world.
If your heart could speak, what would it say?
Mine would say, “Love yourself and life like you love your favorite everything. Take nothing for granted. Be aware and involved in your life. You are the only one feeling your pain. Let your heart speak!”
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