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Taboo: A Deliciously Dark & Wicked Period Drama

Image- Netflix/BBC

Taboo is a deliciously dark and twisty period drama starring Tom Hardy.

A tale so addictive it is binge worthy.

Here’s why you should watch it.

Quality Cast & Production

It’s produced by the BBC who I have to say do a damn good job when it comes to period dramas. its probably one of the reasons Taboo is now trending on Netflix.

The name Taboo tells you everything and nothing. It’s a bit of a cryptic name. A taboo is defined as something socially unacceptable that you should avoid doing or talking about. The drama lives up to its name as there are many unspeakable taboos in this story.

The Protagonist/antihero is James Keziah Delaney. He is guilty of violating more than one wickedly naughty taboo. But he is not the only one committing bad deeds. There’s a long line of villains carrying out equally despicable acts. Amongst his many enemies are his relatives, the high ranking officials of the East India Trading Company, the British Crown and the American Government.

Set In The Dark Streets Of London

Set in 1814 Tom Hardy plays the antihero. He is the prodigal son of a shipping mogul who returns to England to bury his father and claim his inheritance. He has been left a piece of land in the newly formed United States. It’s a strategic piece of land bestowing untold wealth and power to the person who controls it. And so the game begins. The quest of the villains is to relieve James of his property at any cost.

There are plots and counterplots, deceit, lies, betrayal and murder all guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat. You never know what is going to happen next!

Throw James into the melting pot with the despicable corrupt East India Company add slavery, murder & a gunpowder plot and you have Taboo.

A Rebel You Hate To Love

James is the sort of guy that you sneakily like even though you know you’re not supposed to. A rebel in a top hat and cape who everyone loves to hate and hates to love.

I’m not sure why I liked him. Was it his rugged good looks? To be honest I’m not sure I would class him as a good looker in this series. It’s not as if you get a full on handsome, happy smiling face. It’s more dark and brooding or angry and menacing. It’s often smeared with dirt, blood, ash or worse. No, it’s definitely not his good looks.

What I am sure of is that he has a mega fit & toned body. Occasionally Tom hardy whips his kit off to reveal glimpses of well honed muscles covered in large swathes of mysterious tribal tattoos and markings.

James is more than just muscle and a man handy with his fists. He is a man with intelligence and a plan. Not quite as intelligent as Sherlock Holmes but definitely a match for Poirot. Delaney has the intellect of Poirot, the darkness of Sherlock and the cunning of Moriarty.

A Dark Past, Present & Future?

As the story progresses you see snippets of Delaney’s dark past. It’s pretty obvious that he is a deeply troubled man. haunted by his sins, possessed by spirits, tormented by his past. Despite all this you can’t help but want him to succeed. YOU HAVE to keep watching to see what he will do next.

We see him commit a hotchpotch of deliciously evil unspeakable acts. from fucking his half sister to eating the heart of the people he murders. But and it’s a big but, he is sometimes as benevolent as he is evil but in truly surprising ways.

As the series progresses you start to understand the man behind the evil. I found myself supporting him and wanting him to defeat the mighty East India Company. I began to despise the company and its members. Their acts were equally villainous and disgustingly corrupt but also very believable.

Series one is intense and riveting. It ends with a real cliff hanger. What will happen to James Delaney? Will he finally find success and peace?

There’s only one thing certain you know it’s going to be one heck of a ride.

Taboo is a wickedly good drama. It’s also a salient reminder that we shouldn’t let corporations control the world!

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Tv Reviews
Tom Hardy
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