avatarCarol Townend


A grandparent cherishes the joyful and poignant moments spent with their grandchildren during a holiday at a nostalgic caravan park, reflecting on the cycles of parenthood and grandparenthood.


The narrative revolves around a grandparent's heartwarming experiences at Seashore Holiday Park with their grandchildren. The grandparent recounts the infectious excitement of their two-year-old grandson's obsession with swings, his enchantment with a glow-in-the-dark show, and the bittersweet moments of leaving the park. These events trigger a flood of memories from past holidays with the grandparent's own children, emphasizing the precious nature of family bonds and the importance of creating new memories with the next generation. The grandparent, though only 47, embraces the role of a doting grandparent by showering their grandchildren with love, gifts, and quality time, while also acknowledging the need for their daughter to have personal time. The holiday serves as a reminder of the beauty in watching one's children become parents themselves and the unique joy that comes from being a grandparent.


  • The grandparent believes that the joyous moments with grandchildren are golden memories to be treasured, outweighing any hardships.
  • They emphasize the importance of parents, including their daughter, having time for themselves to recharge.
  • The grandparent reflects on the emotional journey of parenthood and grandparenthood, finding beauty in both stages of life.
  • They suggest that beautiful memories are not solely the product of parenting but are also formed through the experiences of being a grandparent.
  • The grandparent is of the opinion that even at 47, they are young enough to fully engage with and enjoy the company of their grandchildren.
  • They advocate for the idea that grandparents should cherish every moment with their grandchildren, even if those moments are infrequent.

Swing! Swing! Swing!

About a little boy who had an obsession with the swings, yet left some golden moments in my heart to treasure forever.

Photo by Kaleb Kendall on Unsplash

“Swing! swing! swing!”

Those were the words of my two-year-old grandson as we headed to the park whilst on holiday, every single time we went past them.

“Weee! weee! weee!” he cried with excitement as we pushed him on the swings.

When it was finally time to leave the park, he screamed and screamed then threw himself on the ground, and pretended to go to sleep. We were holidaying at Seashore Holiday Park which is a caravan park where I have some very emotional golden memories of my childhood, and my own children growing up.

However, this holiday was special. It was the first holiday I had ever had with my young grandson and granddaughter.

We took him to the entertainment complex to see a show where the characters do funny things and glow in the dark.

He was completely engrossed in it, laughing, clapping, dancing, as was my granddaughter who was only still a baby!

All of my memories came flooding back to me from all the happy holidays spent with my own children in the park. Yes, we had some bad times too, though my grandchildren reminded me that all the good times we had as a family on the park outweighed the pain and heartache we had been through.

My daughter and her children were only able to spend a short time with us in the park.

This was the first time I had seen my grandchildren in a while, and I don’t see my daughter too often now so I was determined to treasure every moment.

I bought them little gifts and meals, gave plenty of hugs, and took the children for a little while so that my daughter could have some much-needed time for herself.

Many people often tell me I take on too much when it comes to my grandchildren, but I am only 47 years old and I am young enough to enjoy the pleasure that comes from being a grandparent.

My daughter might be a mum herself now, but sometimes, she still needs time to herself. It is important for parents to have time out so that they can also take care of themselves.

The holiday evoked some tearful moments as I remembered the tantrums, tears, and good times of my own children during our own holidays in the park. However, one thing that every grandparent needs to know:

Just like your memories of parenting are to be treasured for life; your grandparenting years are also memories to be treasured for life too. Enjoy every moment of watching your once son or daughter be a parent, and enjoy watching your grandchildren grow up, even if you don’t see them often. Beautiful memories are not just created from parenting. Beautiful memories are created from being a grandparent too.

Childhood Memories
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